How environmentally friendly is your self-care routine?

By SWNS Staff // SWNS


Americans only feel relaxed about 40 minutes a day, according to new research.

A new poll asked 2,000 Americans about their self-care habits and found that while the average respondent only feels relaxed 40 minutes a day, 47% said they feel relaxed less than even that.

More than half of respondents said self-care is a priority for them and 72% report that over the last two years, they’ve taken a greater interest in their self-care routines.

In fact, respondents are devoting over 200 hours a year to self-care. While the average respondent spends 38 minutes on themselves every day, 15% spend more than an hour.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Sensodyne, the survey found that regardless of how much time respondents spend on self-care routines; everyone defines self-care as something different. 

The survey revealed that respondents' top self-care routines included treating themselves to workouts (36%), listening to music (35%) and going for walks (33%). 

Additionally, 32% said they like to take a long shower and embark on a skincare routine or sink into the couch to watch their favorite TV show or movie. Meanwhile, three in 10 respondents enjoy indulging in a hot bath or picking up a good book. Others prefer meditating (28%), listening to a podcast (27%) or journaling (23%).

The survey also found that there are some barriers to respondents’ self-care journeys such as lack of money (52%) and motivation (42%).

In addition to the inevitable barriers, 44% of respondents also shared that they struggle to find environmentally friendly, or sustainable products to incorporate into their routines – which is key for the 24% that “always” consider whether or not their self-care habits are environmentally friendly.

With these barriers in mind, it’s no wonder that three in five of those polled said they’re more wasteful than they would like to be when it comes to their self-care habits – which can weigh on them as 70% are worried about the current state of the environment.

“It’s important to make real, positive impacts on the environment, when possible,” said Stephanie Hernandez, Senior Brand Manager, US Sensodyne GSK Consumer Healthcare. “Especially when it comes to products that are being used on a daily basis.”

More than half (67%) of respondents consider themselves to be an environmentally-conscious person – and three-quarters of them further agreed they consider this to be part of their overall self-care.

Respondents’ top environmentally friendly habits included turning off the faucet when brushing their teeth (42%), not letting the water run while washing their dishes (39%) and purchasing recycled and recyclable products (36%).

For the sake of Mother Earth, respondents shared they’d be willing to change as many as five of their self-care habits if it meant it would be better for the environment, and 59% said they’d likely stop using a product after finding out it isn't environmentally friendly.

The top products respondents would switch out for an environmentally friendly version included toothpaste, shampoo/conditioner, and hair products, all at 38%.

“According to the survey, 64% of Americans said that sometimes their self-care habits make it hard to be environmentally friendly,” added Hernandez. “Making small swaps to a routine like using a recyclable tube and recyclable carton can help maintain a healthy balance of being environmentally conscious while having an effective self-care regime.”


  1. Exercising – 36%
  2. Listening to music – 35%
  3. Going on a walk – 33%
  4. Flossing/brushing teeth – 33%
  5. Watching my favorite TV show/movie – 32%
  6. Taking a long shower – 32%
  7. Doing a skincare routine – 32%
  8. Taking a bath – 30%
  9. Reading – 30%
  10. Meditating – 28%
  11. Listening to a podcast – 27%
  12. Journaling – 23%