Why majority of Americans make daily efforts to be more eco-friendly

By Marie Haaland // SWNS


Only half of Americans felt like an “adult” when they turned 18 — for those who didn’t, it took until just before they hit the big three-oh, according to new research.

A recent survey of 2,000 Americans found adulting takes some time. While 53% felt like an adult when they hit 18, others said it took until they turned 29 for adulthood to sink in.

That might be one of the reasons why two-thirds of respondents believe 18 is an “arbitrary age” at which to consider someone an adult.

Results found 59% said they still don’t always feel like an adult — and 79% of respondents agreed that being an adult is more about actions than age.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Avocado Green Brands, the survey delved into the different actions that have helped respondents to feel like an adult.

Topping the list was living on their own (30%) for the first time, followed by buying a house (28%) and getting married (27%).

Rounding out the top five adult-like actions were opening their own bank account (27%) and having kids (26%).

But less traditional milestones also made the list: a quarter of respondents said doing their own taxes made them feel “adult,” while the same number selected paying for their own phone plan.

Interestingly, both voting and buying “real” furniture were selected by 25% of respondents for actions that make them feel like an adult.

About a fifth said they felt like more of a grown-up after purchasing and wearing business casual clothes (19%) and after they started consistently watching the evening news (18%).

Environmental actions also featured within the list — 17% said caring about the environment made them feel more mature, while the same number said shopping at places that offset their shipping costs contributed to that feeling.

“Feeling like an adult doesn’t come down to a single action or feeling,” said Avocado Green Brands Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer Mark Abrials. “It’s the broader understanding that we’re part of a larger ecosystem — and that it’s our responsibility to take care of ourselves, the community around us, and the planet that we depend on every day.”

Seventy-one percent of respondents said, as they’ve gotten older, they’ve started to care more about the environment — which might be why 69% of respondents work to take environmentally-friendly actions in their day-to-day life.

It’s no surprise that two-thirds of respondents feel being an adult connects to how well they care for the environment.

Furthermore, 71% believe adults have a responsibility to care for and protect the environment.

“Being an adult means being responsible for our actions,” said Abrials. “And that includes understanding — and mitigating — the environmental impact of our choices.”