Top things Americans hope to do on vacation

By Zoya Gervis // SWNS


The average American has 11 items on their bucket list they hope to cross off by age 47, according to new research.

A recent survey of 2,000 people revealed that age is nothing but a number when it comes to achieving one's life goals. However, there are some obstacles that come along the way. 

Almost a quarter of respondents (23%) said they would feel encouraged to cross off items from their bucket list if they had more free time.

Meanwhile, 22% cited having more money would motivate them to carry out their wish list.

It is no surprise new-found wealth would help respondents, as almost half (45%) would spend between $1,000 and $5,000 to experience something on their bucket list.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of BeachBound, the study also found that 64% of people take their bucket lists more seriously than their New Year’s resolutions. 

Almost one-third (30%) of respondents set out to cross items off their bucket list when going on a trip. 

And when asked what things people are or were most excited to cross off their bucket list, traveling turned out to be a fan favorite. Whether it was traveling “to Italy for gelato,” “the U.S. in a motorhome” or “a trip to Costa Rica,” many are hoping to satisfy their wanderlust.

Seventy-seven percent of people are more likely to do something adventurous on vacation than when they are at home.

And when they’re on the road, the top two most sought-after activities are swimming and hiking, both with 34%.

Another third of respondents reported they’d like to use their vacation to get some ziplining in, while 30% would like to surf and one in four (26%) want to go snorkeling.

While trying new foods (49%), a new activity (49%) and exploring a destination’s culture (48%) all scored high on vacation to-dos, the top way to spend a vacation was found to be relaxing (51%).

“In terms of what they’d love to do, most people’s bucket lists differ, but there’s a certain excitement that’s awoken in every traveler once they set foot into a new destination that makes one feel the possibilities for adventure are never-ending,” said Michael Lowery, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Consumer Business, Apple Leisure Group. 

Although more than one-third (36%) of respondents prefer their vacations to be a good mix of lazy and activity-filled when staying at a resort, the majority of people look for relaxing enhancements.

Almost half (49%) of people hope for spa treatments and 45% would partake in beachside massages. 

But who’s the best person to vacation with? Regardless of relaxation or adventure preferences, the top three companions were peoples’ significant others (44%), their children (38%) and siblings (35%).

“When one is traveling there’s an equal expectation of both adventurous new experiences and a level of comfort that allows one to feel refreshed and reenergized, which is what travelers are looking for when going on a beach vacation,” said Dana Studebaker, Vice President of Marketing, Consumer Brands, Apple Leisure Group.