Most people say the pandemic has inspired them to renovate their homes

By Vanessa Mangru // SWNS


Nearly three in four Americans get a headache just thinking about remodeling their homes, according to new research.

A survey of 2,000 homeowners looked at some of the pain points of remodeling and found that 73% have put off home renovations because they’re too costly (65%), too much work (52%) or they don’t know how to start (45%).

Still, 73% get excited at the thought of renovating their homes, and 65% are looking forward to renovating their home in the new year.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of FrogTape®, the survey found that 69% said being indoors during the pandemic has inspired them to renovate their homes, especially since the same percentage of people had to use/create an at-home workspace.

Similarly, two in three said they’d be more productive if they had a nicer workspace at home.

Fantasizing about remodeling can be fun, but 79% agree that it’s more work than it seems and a similar number said it’s also more expensive than it looks (77%).

According to the study, the average budget respondents would set aside for remodeling their home is just under $136,000, with the kitchen (25%) and living room (27%) being the most expensive rooms to renovate — since they need the most work (18%, each).

A third of respondents would prioritize remodeling the carpet/flooring of a room above all, and a similar number think giving a room a new paint job would help revitalize it (32%).

While 44% of homeowners have never renovated their homes before, 31% of those who have revamped their homes did it entirely themselves, and another 28% had a professional’s help.

“Doing a home renovation project yourself can leave you feeling very accomplished," said Patti LaPorte, director of product marketing at Frog Tape. “While it may seem intimidating at first, it can also be very empowering; you are in complete control from the moment you become inspired through the placement of the last decoration in your new space.”

DIY remodeling doesn’t always go smoothly — from the application of the wrong paint to fixing the toilet seat incorrectly or not being able to make straight lines when painting, home renovators have had their share of mishaps."

It’s no surprise, then, that 41% would prefer a professional’s help the next time they remodel since 43% of people think they’re not “handy” enough.

And 78% of all respondents prefer that a professional handles remodeling because they lack the necessary skills or tools.

When it comes to design inspiration, people are most likely to turn to home renovation magazines (59%) or blogs/websites (49%).

Four in five agree that it is important to have a clear idea of how you want the space to look afterward before beginning a renovation.

This mindset helps with respondents getting excited for all stages of renovating, from rebuilding/redesigning a room (37%) to painting (35%) and eventually seeing the finished product (48%), according to respondents.

Three in four would have renovated their homes sooner if it were easier to accomplish, and 71% would consider sprucing their digs on their own if there were products to help make the process easier.

Items like painter’s tape that helps create sharp lines (35%) or x-in-1 products like (primer and paint in one, wood polish and conditioner in one, etc.) (34%) are on the top of homeowners’ lists to make their project go as smoothly as possible.

“If you’d like to see quality results without the cost of hiring a professional, it’s important to use professional-grade products to complete the work,” LaPorte added. “Investing in quality items like paint, painter’s tape, and other materials and supplies will make the work process much easier and provide better results.”



  1. Kitchen - 35%
  2. Living room - 27%
  3. Bathroom - 25%
  4. Bedroom - 22%
  5. Backyard/garden - 17%


  1. Seeing the finished product - 48%
  2. Picking out décor - 40%
  3. Picking out furniture - 40%
  4. Being creative - 40%
  5. Rebuilding/redesigning a room - 37%