Two-thirds of Americans expect 2022 to be the year of financial stability

A survey of 2,000 U.S. residents has found 76% have a new year’s resolution centered around being smarter with their finances.

By Joseph Staples // SWNS


Mark your calendars: two-thirds of Americans are hyping up 2022 as the year to become more financially stable.

A survey of 2,000 U.S. residents has found 76% have a new year’s resolution centered around being smarter with their finances, up from 73% who stated the same last year.

This optimism comes as 62% of respondents said 2021 was easier on their finances — double the amount of people who claimed 2020 was painless on their wallets (31%).

However, half (47%) saw financial difficulties in 2020, and only 15% said the same for this year. Over four in five (83%) are concerned about inflation and 76% fear that it will be a major setback in reaching their financial goals next year.

People’s employment status may also play a role in how they feel about their finances. Seventy-six percent had full-time employment in 2021, up from 58% in 2020.

Commissioned by Slickdeals and conducted by OnePoll, the survey aimed to compare and examine personal finance goals heading into 2022 with results from a survey addressing the same topic for 2021.

The study also revealed three in four (76%) believe they can accumulate more wealth in the new year by repairing their financial statuses.

The best ways to do so, according to respondents, include getting out of debt (50%), removing unnecessary bills (47%) and seeking deals or coupons when shopping (44%).

More than three-quarters (77%) recognize that being more financially responsible means changing their shopping habits, despite 65% admitting they went overboard with their money in 2021.

Most respondents (83%) believe having financial stability can positively affect their lives.

“The new year is a great time to review your financial scorecard for the past year and then set goals for improvement,” said Louie Patterson, senior finance editor for Slickdeals. “It’s promising that heading into 2022, Americans reported optimism about their finances, and some simple tweaks in the new year can help them reach their goals even faster.”

Seventy-seven percent of those surveyed believe saving money is easier if they are smarter about shopping.

That means planning to save more money on the side per month for many. The average person saved $328 per month in 2021, and now they hope to save $408 per month in 2022.

And saving money also involves using more coupons or promo codes. In 2021, the average person used 13 coupons or promos per month, up from 10 per month in 2020.

Respondents shared that when they shop responsibly, there are several factors they consider, such as paying attention to the number of good reviews a product has (49%), the retailer being trustworthy (46%) and the product’s company being trustworthy (46%).

Three in four (74%) said a company’s ethics also matter when deciding whether or not to purchase from them.

“Saving more money does not always involve drastically altering your day-to-day lifestyle. Easy changes such as cutting unnecessary subscriptions or looking for more deals and discounts when shopping, can add up to big savings,” Patterson added. “By tapping into our community of savvy shoppers, consumers can quickly make strides toward their new year’s financial goals.”



  1. Getting out of debt                                                  50%
  2. Removing unnecessary bills                                  47%
  3. Seek out deals or coupons when shopping           44%
  4. Using a savings app                                               44%
  5. Applying for a credit card/credit increase               41%
  6. Reallocating a monthly budget                               36%
  7. Improving credit scores                                          35%
  8. Spending money more wisely                                32%
  9. Switching to a different bank                                  28%
  10. Investing money                                                     27%