The average American does 8 good deeds a month

By SWNS Staff


After another year under the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans are looking forward to sharing the love and giving back to their communities this holiday season.

A new poll of 2,000 nationally representative Americans found 70% said this is the most wonderful time of the year to give back.

Americans are executing an average of eight good deeds a month – totaling 94 in just one year.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Vitamin Angels for Giving Tuesday, the study found that 65% of respondents are making it a goal to donate more, with 62% aiming to give at least $100 more by the end of the year.

They may meet this goal with 44% planning on donating to charity this year in observance of Giving Tuesday.

The results also found that half of Americans want to find more ways to give back to their community but struggle to do so (52%).

More than anything, 72% said there’s nothing they enjoy more than helping others. And 82% believe in helping people because they feel it’s the right thing to do.

The study found that those who do good deeds every month are actively kind to strangers (55%), recycle (55%) or pick up trash or litter around their neighborhood (49%).

Many respondents shared heartwarming notes of the most meaningful way they’ve lent a hand within the last year.

One respondent shared a story of going to pick up their takeout dinner only to give it to a homeless family nearby and another shared a touching story of taking in an at-risk pregnant woman to ensure she was safe from her partner.

Some respondents even opened their wallets to pay their neighbor’s rent when they fell on hard times during the pandemic and even pay from someone else’s hospital bill.

Others shared stories of donating money to their favorite charities and another person shared they regularly volunteer their time at nursing homes to spend time with the elderly during the holidays.

When choosing a charity to donate to directly, 69% prefer to give back to charities that work locally and 60% are most likely to donate to charities that help children (60%).

“Women and children are often the most vulnerable in our communities, and that is especially true now due to the ongoing pandemic,” said Howard Schiffer Vitamin Angels Founder & President. “It’s wonderful to see that many respondents – 60% - are planning to donate to charities that help children and make a life-changing impact in their lives this holiday season.”

On average, people donate $400 to charity every year, with 72% giving to at least three different charities.

More than a third of those who donate to charities said they’ve already donated more this year than in the past (37%).

“It’s wonderful to see that 65% of respondents agreed it’s important to take charity into account when doing their holiday shopping this season, opting to buy from brands who give back,” said Schiffer. “Right now is a great time to maximize the impact of your donation because many charities have partners that are matching donations throughout the holiday season.”


-Be kind to strangers (55%)
-Actively recycle (55%)
-Pick up trash/litter they see around the neighborhood (49%)
-Donate money to charity (48%)
-Give money to homeless people they see on the streets (43%)
-Donate clothing to charity (38%)
-Volunteer (35%)
-Donate food to a food bank or shelter (32%)
-Pay it forward (I.e., at a coffee shop, the grocery store) (35%)
-Donate blood (12%)


-Responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.
-Paid someone's hospital bill
-I paid my neighbor's rent during the pandemics worst
-This is the time of the year that take time to spend with elderly in nursing homes.
-Took in a girl that was pregnant who was kicked out of her boyfriend’s home. He wanted her back as soon as he found out that she found another place to live and was especially upset. He didn't know that my wife was especially involved in the decision.  The primary cause of death in pregnant women is homicide and my wife told her this fact and that she thought that her boyfriend was a little on the violent side especially since he tried to pick a fight with me.
-My husband and I were in line to pick up takeout dinner and noticed what appeared to be a homeless family (parents/2 kids) over to the side with a sign trying to collect a few dollars. When we got to the speaker we decided to order enough food for the family, picked it up at the window and carried it around to them.