People who sleep naked get higher quality sleep than those who snooze with clothes on

By Marie Haaland // SWNS


If you’re still awake when the clock hits 2:48 a.m., then there’s no point in trying to get a good night’s sleep.

A new survey of 2,000 Americans delved into respondents’ struggles with falling asleep. It found that just before 3 a.m. is the cut-off point — past that, and respondents agreed they wouldn’t be getting any sleep.

Results also looked into Americans’ nighttime habits and revealed it’s not uncommon for respondents to have a poor night’s rest.

Conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by Intellibed for National Sleep Comfort Month in November, results also revealed the average respondent struggles to fall asleep about three nights per week.

It takes around 26 minutes for them to knock out after their head hits the pillow, and the average respondent only gets six hours and 23 minutes of rest during a typical night.

When asked what keeps them from falling asleep, “worries about personal stuff” topped the list (45%), followed by being too hot (35%) or dealing with insomnia (32%).

Not feeling tired (32%) and worrying about work (30%) rounded out the top five factors that prevent Americans from getting their recommended hours of beauty sleep.

Compromise might be another factor: of those who prefer sharing a bed with a partner (56%), 23% said they don’t like the same kind of mattress. For those unlucky respondents, 31% compromised and sleep on the kind of bed their partner prefers.

And poor-quality sleep can have a major effect — the average respondents said a night of bad sleep negatively impacts them at work or in their personal life two days per week.

On the other hand, the survey also delved into the different ways people sleep, looking at what might contribute to them receiving high-quality rest.

Interestingly enough, respondents who sleep naked (vs. sleeping in pajamas) were more likely to report high-quality sleep (53% vs. 27%).

And those who prefer a warm room reported better sleep than those who like sleeping in a cold room (46% vs. 23%).

“There are endless factors that can keep people up at night, and we’re bombarded with products from weighted blankets to sound machines with empty promises of solving sleep issues. It’s true, sleep can be treated but only with the right mattress,” said Colin House, CEO of Intellibed. “We pride ourselves for leading the transformation on how people think about and invest in their sleep. Our technology breathes and sleeps naturally cool, which helps regulate temperature changes that can keep you up at night and is a scientifically proven design that delivers a sleep surface that is both firm and soft at the same time.”

The survey also split respondents by those who prefer to sleep in a warm room and those who would rather sleep in a cold room, looking at the personality traits between the two groups.

Those who prefer a warm room were slightly more likely to consider themselves introverted (34% vs. 26%) and were more likely to identify as adventurous and shy.

Warm room respondents were also more likely to enjoy hobbies like writing and dancing.

On the other hand, those who prefer a cold room enjoy hobbies like gardening and watching TV and movies — and were more likely to identify as funny and curious.

When it comes to their sleeping habits, respondents who prefer a warm room are more likely to take naps, admitting they’ll settle in for a snooze three times a week, compared to cold-room respondents, who only nap an average of twice per week.

But when they do nap, there’s not much difference in time — regardless of their temperature preference, the average respondent likes to nap for about 50 minutes at a time.

“We all deserve and need quality sleep without compromise, especially when it comes to shopping for a mattress with your significant other,” said House. “No matter temperature preferences, hobbies or sleep schedules, our Gel Matrix technology provides an optimal sleep surface that is both firm and soft at the same time, naturally cools and provides targeted pressure relief, eliminating the need for compromise.”