Is the secret to working hard sleeping hard?

By Joseph Staples // SWNS


If you’re looking to get a promotion at work, then you first need a good night’s sleep.

A survey of 2,000 employed Americans found 58% feel like their work performance falters if they don’t get enough sleep at night.

Four in five (79%) believe the quality of sleep they get at night directly sets the tone for the following day. Without decent sleep, respondents said they feel irritated (41%), unmotivated (38%) or unhappy (36%).

Meanwhile, a good night’s sleep means waking up feeling energized (50%), satisfied (50%), and relaxed (49%).

Commissioned by Mattress Firm and conducted by OnePoll, the study revealed the average American respondent sleeps poorly three nights a week. For 67%, poor sleep likely leads to forgetfulness while getting ready for the day the morning after.

Restlessness at night makes for common morning mistakes like messing up hair (30%), forgetting contacts or glasses (29%), or forgetting to put a mug under the coffee maker (25%).

The culprits for not getting decent sleep at night are obvious — not sleeping in the right temperature (63%), having to get up to use the bathroom (39%) and being stressed about the next day’s events (34%). 

Respondents also identified the nights they got the best and worst sleep out of the week. The best nights are Friday (21%) and Saturday (18%), while the worst are Sunday (18%) and Monday (18%).

Two in three blame the “Sunday Scaries” – the feeling of dreading Monday morning – for having poor sleep that night, and more than a quarter (26%) admitted to not getting out of weekend mode until at least Wednesday. 

The average American said they get 51 minutes less sleep on Sunday nights.

“I find that many of my patients suffer from ‘anticipatory anxiety' or what many of us call the ‘Sunday scaries,’” said Dr. Chris Winter, MD, neurologist and's sleep health expert. “Many of us skip out on sleep during the work week, causing us to feel more anxious in the hours leading up to bedtime on Sunday night, which makes it the worst day for sleep. It’s important to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, which means going to bed and waking up at the same times every day.”

The survey also discovered that a person’s job plays a role in their quality of sleep. Two out of three working American respondents get less than the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep per night and 69% believe their work dictates their quality of sleep.

Two in three (65%) find it difficult to fall asleep at night after a stressful day at work, and 80% admitted they have taken naps while working from home.

According to respondents, napping on the job stems from having a headache and not feeling well (41%), not getting enough sleep the night before (33%) or having a slow workday (32%).

And while working remotely has had a positive impact on 64% of the respondents’ job performances, 57% said having the option to nap during the day has also positively impacted their work. 

With having a better work-life balance, 74% said they have seen the same improvement in the quality of sleep since working from home.


  1. Having to get up to use the bathroom - 38%
  2. Stressed about the next day’s events - 34%
  3. Room is too hot - 33%
  4. Room is too cold - 30%
  5. Knowing you have to be up early the next day - 29%
  6. Partner is snoring - 25%
  7. Can’t stop looking at your phone - 24%
  8. Uncomfortable bed - 23%