5 things moms with colicky babies wish they knew sooner

By Zoya Gervis // SWNS


A fussy baby equals one frantic mother.

Most moms agree they’d do anything to relieve their kids of their upset tummies, according to new research.  

A survey of 1,289 mothers of children ages 2 to 9 who either suffered from colic or cow’s milk allergy (CMA) found nearly half of moms (49%) worried most about not finding a solution or relief for their baby, while 33% felt their baby’s growth and development would be affected.

That’s why 68% of respondents experienced “mom guilt” mainly due to a feeling of helplessness that they couldn’t fix their baby’s problem right away. Unfortunately, 36% also felt guilty of needing or asking for help.

Parenting is never easy, but some mothers are having a difficult time adjusting.

The survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of StoreBrand Formula found that nearly half of moms found their baby’s prolonged crying to be the most frustrating aspect of parenting their finicky baby. Also, lack of sleep was all too common for more than a third of the moms studied, with the average mom revealing she managed to get an average of just four hours of sleep a night.

Regrettably, the mothers surveyed also reveal they missed out on certain things because of their colicky and/or CMA-symptomatic baby. For example, 42% reveal they missed out on family vacations because of their suffering baby, and 35% had to pass on social gatherings. In addition, 34% of moms admit they said goodbye to their self-care routines as a result of their child.

The financial toll of caring for a baby with colic and/or CMA also weighs heavily on moms.  Sadly, four in ten moms were fearful they wouldn’t be able to afford the appropriate relief for their baby. On average, these moms ended up spending $230 on various potential solutions or products such as gas drops, probiotics and different bottles for their suffering baby (just to name a few).

“As a pediatrician, I have seen the emotional, physical and financial tolls a colicky or child with CMA can have on families struggling to provide relief for their baby,” said Dr. Jen Trachtenberg, board-certified pediatrician and parenting expert. “Purchasing various products to help provide relief can add up quickly for families, especially for babies experiencing colic symptoms as a result of CMA who may need a hypoallergenic infant formula, which can exceed $200 per month.”

Not surprisingly, the study found moms reported price as their number one complaint about hypoallergenic infant formula.

“Parents need and deserve an affordable solution to help provide relief for their distressed babies,” said Cynthia M. Barber, Ph.D., Perrigo’s Senior Director of Innovation and Medical Affairs. “That’s why we are excited to announce that Perrigo, makers of all Store Brand Infant Formula, has launched the first-ever U.S. Store Brand Hypoallergenic Infant Formula that provides complete nutrition, is clinically tested to manage cow’s milk allergies and helps babies avoid colic due to CMA.”

This is great news for the more than half of moms (52%) who reported they would have absolutely purchased a lower-cost generic Store Brand Hypoallergenic Infant Formula option if it were available at the time.

“A generic hypoallergenic formula is a huge win for parents since they now have an effective and affordable option that provides at least 22% in savings, or $75 per month compared to name brands,” said Trachtenberg. “It’s also a win for doctors who now have a more affordable option to recommend to their patients. For more information go to Storebrandformula.com.”

In addition to ways to save, mothers would give others dealing with a child who was displaying symptoms of prolonged crying and other key signs of colic, a few tips of advice they wish they knew about life with these babies.

More than half (52%) would tell others dealing with the same baby issues that just because your baby has colic, doesn’t mean they’re unhealthy. In fact, 39% would tell others that it’s all temporary, while 38% would remind moms that colic is quite common.


Prolonged crying - 47%
Not knowing the cause of baby’s colic - 42%
Feeling like there was nothing I could do to help - 34%
Lack of sleep - 34%
Differentiating between a symptom of colic and general baby behaviors- 34%

Family vacation- 42%
Sleep- 40%
Social gatherings with friends- 35%
Self-care- 34%
Going out to dinner- 29%

An elimination diet (if breastfeeding) - 42%
Carrying/holding them for extended periods of time- 35%
Laying them on their tummy - 35%
Baby swing or bouncer - 33%
Holding them upright after feeding - 33%

Just because your baby has colic doesn’t mean they’re unhealthy - 52%
It’s all temporary- 39%
Colic is quite common- 38%
It’s okay to not have all the answers- 34%
Giving your baby extra attention won’t spoil them- 33%