Seven in 10 Americans say gardening allows them to gain control over what they eat

By SWNS Staff


Green thumbs are growing more than ever. Eight in 10 Americans have grown their own produce over the past year, according to new research.

The study asked 2,000 nationally representative Americans about their thoughts on gardening and found 65% have tried it themselves at some point over the past year.

Of those respondents who’ve dabbled in gardening, 76% claim it’s their new hobby, and 86% have eaten the fruits of their labor. 

Six in 10 said that witnessing panic buying at the beginning of the pandemic inspired them to get their shovels out.

In fact, nearly seven in 10 (68%) respondents believe more people should consider taking up gardening to have greater control over their food.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Tower Garden, the survey also found that half of all garden-curious respondents have considered finding a community garden to join so they don’t have to rely on supermarkets as much.

Of those who’ve tried gardening over the past year, 65% made room in their backyard and 41% found nooks and crannies in their homes to grow a small herb garden.

Some of the top thoughts around growing produce at home included saving money on produce (39%), reducing food waste (32%) and adding a new life skill (22%).

Tomatoes topped the list of current gardeners “to grow” list (71%), followed by herbs (52%), flowers (49%) and cucumbers (47%).

Thirty-two percent of these respondents have also tried a gardening cheat code by trying to grow more produce from what they’ve purchased at a grocery store.

Nearly four in 10 (39%) want to grow greens to save money, as the average American currently spends $45.25 per person on fruits and veggies each month.

In addition, 62% believe a garden would help improve their overall diet and wellness, while 71% feel it would benefit their mental health.

“Given the past year, it’s not surprising that 65% of those surveyed have turned to gardening as we’ve seen more consumers purchase gardening products,” said David Henard, Senior Director/GM of Global Tower Garden. “We’re discovering that more people are finding ways to take control of their own food supply, and one way of doing so is by growing your own food at home.

Of those who haven’t attempted to garden, 55% wish they could learn how but 42% are worried they wouldn’t know what to do. 

Furthermore, seven in 10 (72%) see a lack of space in their home as a barrier to begin or expand their gardening hobby.

“A common misconception is that gardening requires plenty of space and soil, or having a full backyard,” said Henard. “Growing flowers or produce is more accessible than people think, and by growing vertically you can save both the space, water, time and energy that traditional garden growing requires.”