Despite prioritizing wellness, Americans still feel they can be healthier

By Zoya Gervis // SWNS


In the past year, Americans have started changing their routines to better their health. 

That’s according to a new study that found Americans have started walking more instead of driving (26%), using free time to meditate (23%), taking a bath instead of a shower (22%) and using a standing desk instead of sitting down (21%).


While the past year has led many Americans to prioritize their health and wellness more than ever before, the poll of 2,273 Americans found that consumers are still seeking ways to be healthier, with more than one-third feeling they are not as healthy as they could be. 

Although the majority of Americans stated that feeling better overall is the top reason they want to keep up with their wellness routines, 62% find it challenging to stick with their health-related goals. 

Specifically, two-thirds said they find it difficult to eat as healthy as possible despite already having made the effort to make healthier meals, eat more vegetables and fruit, and increase their water intake.  

Three in 10 finally had enough time to prioritize their fitness routines this past year, and 28% went so far as to purchase fitness equipment to maintain their activity levels at home. Although efforts have been made, 44% say they aren’t in the best shape of their lives.

Conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with In The Raw® brand, the survey aimed to discover the swaps people have been making to better themselves in addition to the reasons that are getting in their way of making better choices.

Americans are continuing to search for alternatives that they can implement as a means to better themselves. For example, two out of three respondents desire to add more natural food products to their routines as a way to improve overall wellness. Nearly one-third have reduced the amount of sugar they use, with one in four using natural sweeteners. In fact, 70% are using sugar alternatives one to four times per week.    


The top three natural food products that Americans are interested in using include natural sugar alternatives, dairy alternatives and plant-based meat options.    


And nearly two-thirds are interested in learning how to use natural alternatives in cooking.

However, Americans are not incorporating natural food products into their routines because they are not sure how to use them (41%) or they feel they’re too complicated to use (41%).           

Respondents also report feeling that natural food products have a bad aftertaste (37%) and don’t taste as good.

Yet, 70% stated they would be open to using natural ingredients, such as sugar and dairy alternatives, if they tasted as good as the real thing, signaling the need for products to meet that desire.

Two out of three Americans say they also desire an all-natural sugar alternative that actually tastes like sugar. 

Those who do purchase sugar alternatives have noted the most important attributes they look for include the product’s ability to taste like sugar (37%); versatility in recipes (36%); natural ingredients (35%); and equivalence to sugar (34%).

“With Americans prioritizing their overall health and wellness more than ever before, it’s not surprising that people are interested in incorporating all-natural ingredients as a way to be even healthier. However, we’ve continued to hear how difficult it is to find those better-for-you alternatives that truly taste like and mimic the real thing,” said Eileen Ahasic-Bierig, Vice President of Marketing at Cumberland Packing Corp. “This sentiment has led many brands, including our own, to consider ways to meet that demand, and we’re finally able to eliminate the search for an all-natural sweetener that tastes, looks, crunches and acts exactly like sugar in your favorite recipes with our new All-Purpose In The Raw Optimal Zero Calorie Sweetener blend.”