71% of Americans want to spend more time with family and friends this summer than ever before

By Joseph Staples // SWNS


This summer is set to be a busy one for many Americans. New research indicates 75% of people plan on being more active this summer than in recent memory.

A survey of 2,000 general population Americans found on average, people plan on spending a full extra week outside this summer compared to last.

Nearly three-quarters (71%) want to spend more time with their family and friends this summer than ever before. Meanwhile, more than half are planning to travel to different states (57%) and get in better shape (53%).

Half of Americans said they’re taking part in more outdoor activities this summer than in recent summers. When asked what they want to do more of outside, respondents plan on more swimming (73%), walking/running (66%), playing a group sport of some kind (64%) and cycling (61%).

Seventy-one percent of people believe getting in shape before summer starts is important to them. On average, March is the ideal time to start getting in shape for the season (compared to Jan-July). Realistically, however, the average person doesn’t start getting into shape until April.

Commissioned by Remedy Dermatology Series and conducted by OnePoll, the study found since the pandemic began, respondents said they became lax in one area or another of their lives. Women have been less likely to wear make-up every day (56%), while men have been less inclined to style their hair or shave (47%).

But with the pandemic slowly coming to an end, Americans are itching to get back to normalcy. Nearly three-quarters of respondents (72%) said they want this summer to feel as close as possible to a normal, pre-pandemic summer.

Wanting to get back to a normal summer has more than two-thirds (69%) of respondents saying they’re more motivated to be active this summer compared to recent past summers.



For them, motivation comes from wanting to get out of the house (65%), getting in better shape (65%) and seeing family and friends again (62%).

Despite spending more time outside, it seems people aren’t properly taking care of their skin.

“Summer is a great time to get out of the gym and outside in the fresh air where you can burn a little extra energy, says Dr. Jeanine Downie, board-certified dermatologist and Medline Remedy consultant. “But exercising outdoors in the elements can dry out your skin. That’s why it’s important to reapply body lotion to help rehydrate your skin, and use sunblock with an SPF of 30 or more to protect your skin.”

Seven in 10 forget to put on sunscreen when they go outside. And when they do remember to put on sunscreen, more than three out of five (63%) forget to reapply sunscreen once they’ve been outside for a while or have been sweating.

Like sunscreen, the study found 61% of people will often apply body lotion in the morning before going outside but don’t reapply when coming back indoors.

Sixty-four percent will put lotion on after showering in the morning, but don’t reapply at night.

Over half (54%) of consumers want a body lotion that is long-lasting and nearly as many want something that isn’t greasy (49%). Meanwhile, respondents also said they look for something that has improved hydration (47%) and is dermatologist-tested (46%).

On average, people said they would spend $485 on products to keep their skin healthier throughout the year.

“Taking care of my skin before and after my workouts is an absolute must, especially when I’m outside in the elements,” says 3-time Olympic Gold Medal Gymnast and Remedy spokesperson Gabby Douglas. “That’s why I like to use a skincare lotion that has all-natural, botanical ingredients and helps keep my skin hydrated all day.”



  1. Swimming                                                   73%
  2. Walking/Running (in a 5k, 10k, etc.)          66%
  3. Playing a team/group or Individual sport    64%
  4. Cycling                                                        61%
  5. Hiking/Camping                                          42%



  1. To get or stay in better shape                    65%
  2. To get out of the house                              65%
  3. To see friends/family again                        62%
  4. To return to a pre-pandemic normal          57%
  5. To make the most of the warm weather     51%