Why more than half of American women are buying themselves a Mother's Day gift

By Victoria McNally // SWNS


When giving gifts it’s the thought that counts, not the occasion — which is why 84% of women have even bought their own gifts for holidays they don’t actually celebrate.

That’s according to a recent survey of 2,000 American women in which 68% declared that they’ve shopped for their own gifts themselves, most notably for their birthday (73%), Christmas (65%) and Valentine’s Day (61%).

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Mejuri, the survey revealed that moms are often the ones spoiling themselves for Mother’s Day; over half (54%) of all women polled bought themselves a Mother’s Day gift, with 40% of these respondents being mothers themselves. 

Shockingly, 10% of women surveyed weren’t moms themselves, yet they purchased their own Mother’s Day gifts.

Half (53%) also buy themselves more during holidays than they would otherwise, and 47% of women have shopped specifically for a present that someone else in their life could give them.

When it comes to purchasing their own gifts for the holidays, six in 10 respondents shared they make their spouses or partners actually give these gifts to them to maintain a bit of a surprise. Another 60% have done the same with one of their children.

The survey also asked women about their experiences buying their own gifts, and one respondent shared that their daughters wanted to buy something for Mother’s Day, but didn’t know what to get. 

The respondent compromised: “I bought a sweatshirt I wanted, brought it home, and gave to them to wrap and decorate the package and make a card, then give to me.” 

Another respondent shared they’ve bought jewelry several times for her spouse to give to her: “He prefers that I pick out something that I really want rather than buying something I would hate,” she said. 

With all of this in mind, it’s a bit surprising to see that only 57% of women feel their family is likely to ask them what they want before giving them a gift, and only 38% will make their preferences known before being asked.

When it comes down to how women are dropping hints, 64% said they prefer the subtle route and offer their loved ones’ suggestions.

Just over half (52%) of women polled, however, prefer a more direct approach: sending direct links to buy certain products online. Meanwhile, those who don’t talk about what they want frequently cited not being comfortable with it (41%) or not wanting anything in the first place (34%).

Only 12% of women who don’t talk about gifts say that their loved ones “should already know what they like.”

According to the survey data, the average woman polled has felt disappointed by 42% of the presents they’ve received in their lives so far. 

Another 59% believe they’re the most thoughtful gift-giver in their immediate family — and over the course of the pandemic, 42% believe they’ve bought more presents for others in their lives than they typically do.

Of course, that doesn’t mean women aren’t buying more for themselves, too — 52% confirmed that they already are.

“More and more women are feeling empowered to purchase gifts for themselves with or without a special occasion,” says Noura Sakkijha, co-founder and CEO of Mejuri. “Buying jewelry for yourself in particular breaks away from the traditional narrative of men gifting pieces to women, and that’s something to celebrate.”

At least when they set out to shop for others, American women are generally likely to stick to that plan — only 29% have kept an item for themselves that they originally bought for someone else. 



  1. Cosmetics - 49%
  2. Clothing - 43%
  3. Skincare - 38%
  4. Food - 37%
  5. Jewelry - 35%
  6. Tech or gadgets - 34%
  7. Decorative items (e.g. artwork, figurines) - 32%
  8. Alcohol - 27%
  9. Useful items (e.g. appliances, kitchenware) - 18%
  10. Books - 9%



  1. Modern - 50%
  2. Delicate - 45%
  3. Vintage - 38%
  4. Classic - 35%
  5. Colorful - 35%