People optimistically preparing themselves for the end of the pandemic by this date

By Joseph Staples // SWNS


Two-thirds of Americans are actively trying to improve themselves – a quarantine glow-up – for the post-pandemic world, according to new research.

A survey of 2,000 general population Americans, commissioned by Vagaro and conducted by OnePoll, found 64% want to look their absolute best and 68% want to be the best version of themselves (mentally and physically) for when the pandemic finally comes to an end.

While 62% of people feel optimistic that the pandemic will end before 2022, there’s no escaping that half (51%) classified 2020 as the hardest year they’ve ever experienced.

Since the pandemic began, nearly half (46%) said they’ve let themselves go while in lockdown. Weight gain was the highest cited way respondents have let themselves go, with 60% saying they’ve gained weight. Of these respondents, the average amount of weight gain was 17 lbs.

Other ways people have let themselves go include losing touch with family and friends (49%) and avoiding makeup and facial grooming (46%) while staying at home.

A little more than half (51%) of Americans cited going back to bad habits, including eating unhealthy (53%), excessive drinking (49%) and 43% quit grooming themselves on a daily basis. Thirty-eight percent started to smoke again, after giving it up at a previous point.

“The Covid-19 pandemic changed the way we live our lives and affected many people mentally and emotionally, thereby making it easy to go back to or start unhealthy habits,” said Fred Helou, CEO for Vagaro. “Hope is on the horizon and now is the time to get back on track and focus on personal goals. Taking that first step like signing up for a virtual yoga class can lead to bigger accomplishments like completing an intense exercise regimen. Little wins can lead to big results and can also help combat feelings of stress and being overwhelmed.”

A year after the global pandemic was declared, 47% of Americans said they feel like they’re in a better mental and emotional space now than when it started.

Being sheltered in place was the motivation 58% of respondents said they needed to take time to focus more on self-improvement.

When asked what they want to improve on, 60% of respondents said they’re dedicated to their personal appearance, with 56% wanting to take better care of their skin and 53% taking better care of their hair.

Half of Americans have already started taking better care of their skin. Of those, more than three-quarters (77%) of respondents have either established or improved their skincare regimen.

Meanwhile, 58% have added a specialty treatment (such masks or dermal fillers) to their current regimen, and 24% have started getting or have increased the frequency of getting a facial or another service done by an aesthetician.

Attaining overall better heath was the top-cited response (52%) on why Americans are motivated to take better care of themselves. Nearly half of respondents said they want to build their self-confidence (48%) and feel happier with themselves (46%), proving that people want to take better care of themselves as they come out of the pandemic.

“With 2020 allowing time for introspection, many will face the post-pandemic world with a new mindset and will want to improve themselves physically, mentally and emotionally,” added Helou. “Now is the time to focus on self-improvement and work towards making personal goals a reality. While times of uncertainty can be difficult, it can also be a catalyst for change – for the better.”



  1. Paying more attention to their personal appearance         60%
  2. Having better physical health                                             58%
  3. Taking better care of their skin                                           56%
  4. Taking better care of their hair                                           53%
  5. Taking care of their mental and emotional health              48%



  1. To attain better overall health                                             52%
  2. To build confidence/self-esteem                                        48%
  3. Better physical appearance                                                47%
  4. To be happier                                                                     46%
  5. To feel like their best self                                                    39%