Today's parents approaching 'the period talk' with their kids differently than their parents did

By Zoya Gervis // SWNS


According to new research, 83% of parents of school-aged children are consciously making sure they prepare their kids for life differently than their parents prepared them. 

A poll of 2,000 parents of school-aged children (age 5-18) found that when it comes to parenting children differently than how they grew up, 71% are approaching “the period talk” differently with their kids compared to how it was broached with them.

And three in four are talking with their children more frequently compared to when they were kids.

Nearly four in five are tackling puberty with their children more thoroughly than how it was ever explained to them by their parents. 

Over half (51%) are even celebrating every possible milestone (however small) — something they never experienced growing up.


The study conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with DivaCup aimed to uncover how parents are talking with their children and preparing them for life compared to how they were raised and discovered 74% want my kids to be better prepared for their period than they were.

Some of the key differences between how parents learned about their period and how they plan on tackling this tough topic with their kids include both educating them on how to use various period products (66%) and providing them with a variety of period products to choose from (58%).

Seventy-eight percent of respondents simply want their kids to have more and better options when it comes to menstrual care than they had at their age.

“Menstruation is an important topic that needs to be discussed between parents and kids. These days, parents are eager to make life better and less stressful for their kids as their bodies change and develop. As a mother myself, I don’t want my kids to endure what I went through at that same age” stated Carinne Chambers-Saini, CEO and Founder of Diva International, makers of the DivaCup.

For those parents who’ve already had ‘the menstruation talk’ with their child, 85% provided them with a lot more menstruation options than they were provided at that age.

Seven in 10 parents went out of their way to teach their child how to use all the different menstruation products to ensure they were adequately prepared. 

“This means that people coming into the menstruating age are empowered with knowledge, education, and full-body awareness,” says CEO and Founder of Diva International, makers of the DivaCup, Carinne Chambers-Saini. 

“Preparing kids for their changing bodies and menstruation starts with how parents approach the subject. By equipping your kids with options and helpful information, they can feel better prepared for when the time comes — and you can rest assured that they’ll be better equipped than you ever were at their age” added a spokesperson for DivaCup.



  1. A child won’t feel comfortable being open and honest
  2. They’ll have questions I won’t be able to answer
  3. Whether more conversations need to be had
  4. Not knowing how to start the conversation
  5. Not feeling comfortable discussing the topic with them