Over half of Americans picture their dream home filled with futuristic technology

By Zoya Gervis // SWNS

Americans are looking to the silver screen and dreaming big when it comes to their future home goals.

According to a new poll of 2,000 Americans, over a quarter of people want their own JARVIS, the AI assistant from “Iron Man”.

Twenty-seven percent of people would love to have the scene screen windows tuned to the scenery channel from “Back To The Future II” while a further 25% dream about having their own JOI — the AI holographic companion from “Blade Runner”.

And twenty-one percent of respondents dream of having a five-second Black & Decker pizza hydrator from “Back To The Future II” with another 14% hoping to one day have a sassy Android servant from “The Jetsons”.

Over one in 10 would even love to have the Artificial Intelligence technology from “Her” — one day.

A study conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with ecobee aimed to uncover what people dream about when it comes to their homes and discovered that 32% would give anything to live in the Jetsons house.

In fact, five percent of those studied revealed they’d pay over $100,000 to live in the Jetsons house for just one year.

Besides the infamous Jetsons home, 29% would love to spend a night in the smart house from “Smart House” while a further 26% want to join Marty and live in the McFly house from “Back To The Future II”.

From controlling room temperatures and mood lighting to cooking up food and even automated chauffeurs — Americans are craving the futuristic tech they saw in movies and TV growing up.

Until robot butlers and flying cars arrive, Americans are content with smaller tech upgrades — while 65% like smart home products because they’re convenient, 34% look to their environmentally-friendly nature as a reason to invest in them.

Fifty-seven percent of those studied say their dream is to have their entire home completely outfitted with smart home products.

“When it comes to smart products for the home, the future really is right now. Many of the futuristic innovations we see on TV and in movies are available today, and those who are hoping to create the smart home of their dreams can do just that. Thanks to the proven cost savings, many sustainable options available and simplified experiences overall, people are embracing smart home technology more than ever before,” said Stuart Lombard, founder and CEO of ecobee.

Seventy-one percent of Americans say they find it important to know what’s going on in their homes when they're away.

And 77% say they’d definitely check in on their homes whenever they were away if they had the smart home technology that would allow them to do so.

Americans want to not only check on their homes while they’re away but they want to make sure their loved ones are safe as well.

Nearly half (46%) are most concerned about how their pets are doing in their homes while they’re away.

And 52% are worried about their kids while away from the house while a further 37% simply want to check-in on their partner while they’re gone.

It’s no wonder that convenience and efficiency are the two best things people enjoy when it comes to smart home technology.

As a result, security cameras and smart thermostats are the most sought after smart home devices for Americans.

“The home is the most personal space there is, and one where privacy is paramount. Now more than ever, Americans want their homes to take care of them and their families, and ultimately manage itself. Americans demand simple and easy to use smart home solutions that make their lives easier, more convenient and stress-free,” added Stuart Lombard, founder and CEO of ecobee.



JARVIS (“Iron Man”)

Scene screen windows (“Back To The Future II”)

Joi (“Blade Runner”)

Voice-controlled fruit baskets (“Back To The Future II”)

Food-o-Matic machine (“The Jetsons”)