Only a startling 8% of Americans feel fully rested after sleeping

By Joe Staples // SWNS


Less than one in 10 Americans (8%) actually feel fully rested after sleeping, according to new research.

A survey of 2,000 general population Americans found that on average, Americans get five hours of sleep every night. More than six in 10 Americans (61%) cannot remember the last time they felt truly well-rested.

More than one in five (22%) say they can never get enough sleep, while 79% are satisfied with their sleep. And whether or not you get enough sleep may explain a bit about your personality.

Americans who say they don’t get enough sleep are likely to be more introverted (29%), blame stress for keeping them awake at night (68%), are more particular about falling asleep only if they’re in the right conditions (64%) and would even give up an hour of morning productivity if it meant getting more sleep (32%).

Meanwhile, Americans who say they do get enough sleep at night are likely to be extroverts (22%), less likely to allow stress to prevent them from sleep (55%), care less about their surrounding sleeping conditions (61%) and rather not give up that hour of productivity (14%).

As far as what keeps them up at night, Americans have no problem agreeing that the vicious political and pandemic news cycles have caused them to lose sleep within the past year (61%).

Commissioned by LIFEAID and conducted by OnePoll, the study found an overall 69% of Americans wish a lack of sleep was taken more seriously than it currently is.

On average, 61% of Americans struggle to fall asleep three times a week, yet nearly four in 10 Americans (39%) refuse to take any sleeping aids to help.

The top reasons they don’t take any sleeping aids were found to be that they don’t trust them (42%), don’t want to become dependent (40%) and are afraid of negative side effects (34%).

“The past 11 months have given all of us plenty of highly stressful reasons to stay awake at night. Coupled with factors like working from home or even unemployment, homeschooling and the loss of our usual exercise routines, our individual circadian rhythms and the quality of our personal sleep are all over the map,” says LIFEAID Beverage Co. co-founder Orion Melehan. “Now, there's Daylight Savings and World Sleep Day, and it's clear the importance of getting a good night’s sleep is more important than ever before.”

The study found that while personalities may differ based on the quality of sleep, Americans agree on the overall value getting good sleep has.

Two-thirds of people believe good sleep is the key to eating healthier, drinking more water and even being friendlier towards strangers.

Nearly half (49%) of Americans believe their emotional health would improve if they got more or better-quality sleep.

Similarly, Americans believe their mental health (44%), concentration (43%) and even appetite (38%) would be improved with better sleep.

Americans are so dedicated to sleep, three-quarters of them (76%) take naps during the day, though 70 percent of nap-takers admit they do so to make up for a lack of sleep from the previous night.

Getting better quality sleep is especially important to those who lack it: three out of four (76%) sleepless Americans have made recuperating a top priority for themselves this year. Overall, 68% of Americans plan to get better sleep in 2021.

“As dramatically as our lives have changed, the factors that enable us to enjoy a restorative night’s sleep remain the same and rely on a good diet, some exercise, and managing stress and anxiety properly,” says Orion Melehan of LIFEAID. “And if we’re having consistent problems with sleeping well, we also need to be more curious about sleep aids, including meditation or supplements.”



  1. Favorite food                       42%
  2. Morning routine                   35%
  3. A personal belonging          32%
  4. A paycheck                         27%
  5. Their car                              21%