THIS zodiac sign voted most undateable by Americans across the nation

By SWNS Staff


Finding true love may be written in the stars but be careful you don’t get burned.

A new study asked 2,000 nationally representative Americans to think about their relationships, past, present and future and found that a third of Americans refuse to date a specific astrological sign ever again – with Geminis topping the list.

If you’re a Cancer, Taurus, Aries or Leo – you may want to tread lightly in your relationships, as these signs were next in line for most undateable signs.

Regardless of whether they’ve blacklisted a star sign from future romantic entanglements, 42% of all respondents said they’ve turned to the stars for some assistance to see if they’re compatible with their significant other.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Diamondère, the survey found that nearly half (48%) of respondents often consult their horoscope for advice on their romantic life – with some of the best advice ranging from believing in your heart, being honest with yourself and being patient.

The majority of respondents (62%) also shared that they believe that their relationships are unique and don’t fit into a standard mold; and over half of the respondents (56%) said they always seem to struggle to find the perfect gift – no matter who it's for or what the occasion is.

Respondents often turned to the stars for finding the perfect gift as well. Half of those surveyed shared they’ve purchased a piece of birthstone jewelry as a gift for someone and 37% have received this as a gift.

In fact, respondents shared the most meaningful gifts they’ve received from a significant other – and jewelry was a popular option. One respondent shared their significant other gifted them a charm bracelet with charms representing significant events in their relationship.

Another respondent shared they received a ring that belonged to their partner’s mother and another respondent was gifted a ring with their names engraved on it.

“The ‘perfect’ gift, much like the majority of relationships, is one that is unique and personal,” said Anish Godha, President of Diamondère. “Birthstones and engravings are a great way to personalize gifts for loved ones – whether it’s for your partner, best friend or parent.”

The survey also delved into the romantic aspirations Americans hope to achieve one day and found that seven in 10 just want to have one “movie magic” kiss in their lifetime.

At this point in their lives, the average American has only had seven romantic moments they would describe as magical – and 14% have only had one to two.

Nearly a quarter (22%), however, have been fortunate enough to have over 10 of these romantic moments.

The survey found that the most sought-after movie magic moment is still the iconic kiss in the rain from “The Notebook.”

Next in line on Americans’ romance bucket lists included the “I’m flying” moment from “Titanic,” a proposal akin to Mr. Darcy’s in “Pride and Prejudice” and even the upside-down kiss from “Spider-Man.”

Three in 10 respondents also shared that they want to get steamy and recreate that car scene from “Titanic” at some point in their lives.

Nearly a quarter (23%) of pollsters also don’t want Baby in a corner, desiring to recreate the iconic lift from “Dirty Dancing.”

One respondent also shared a moment that could rival “Casablanca,” where a partner surprised them at the airport with a dozen roses and kissed them right before stepping onto the plane.

“A magical moment doesn’t always have to be movie-worthy,” added Godha. “These moments are often in the little things, like giving your partner a kiss when they have a bad day or even picking up the phone to check in with a friend or relative.”



  1. The kiss in the rain from The Notebook - 36%
  2. "I'm flying" moment from Titanic - 34%
  3. Mr. Darcy's second proposal in Pride and Prejudice - 33%
  4. The upside-down kiss from Spider-Man - 32%
  5. The car scene from Titanic - 31%
  6. The "to me you are perfect" scene from Love Actually - 29%
  7. The lift from Dirty Dancing - 23%
  8. The New Year's Eve monologue from When Harry Met Sally - 22%
  9. The Ikea date in (500) Days of Summer - 20%
  10. The Empire State scene from Sleepless in Seattle - 19%
  11. The pottery scene from Ghost - 18%
  12. The boombox serenade from Say Anything - 18%
  13. The plane song from The Wedding Singer - 17%
  14. The plane scene from Casablanca - 16%
  15. The plane proposal from Crazy, Rich Asians - 14%
  16. The tapes to jog Lucy's memory in 50 First Dates - 10%


  1. Gemini - 42%
  2. Cancer - 37%
  3. Taurus - 36%
  4. Aries - 34%
  5. Leo - 31%
  6. Virgo - 28%
  7. Scorpio - 24%
  8. Libra - 22%
  9. Sagittarius - 17%
  10. Capricorn - 16%
  11. Aquarius - 10%
  12. Pisces - 7%