Nearly two-thirds of Americans would rather watch something they don’t like to avoid an argument with their partner

By Allison Sadlier // SWNS


The average American in a relationship will spend 408 hours a year watching something they don’t particularly like out of love for their partner, according to new research.

The survey of 2,000 census-balanced Americans revealed that of those in a relationship the average person will sit in front of the TV four hours each week to watch a program only their partner enjoys. 

Two in three (65%) think their willingness to sit through a show or movie they despise is a sign of true love. 

Television tastes can truly be a “make or break” topic for relationships seeing as 42% of single respondents said it would be a total “deal-breaker” if a potential partner disliked their favorite show or movie.

Deciding what to watch even without romance in the equation is still a relationship minefield for those living with others during the pandemic.

Of those currently living with others (89%) two in three admitted the process of deciding “what to watch” is a complete hassle.

The survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of SkinnyPop found 67% would rather watch something they don’t necessarily like than get into an argument over it.

When it comes to group watching decisions, 50% said it takes them over ten minutes to come to an agreement.

The sheer amount of content available makes Americans’ decisions even tougher since 64% feel like they waste hours scrolling through channel guides and streaming menus.

Nearly two in three (64%) confessed they get so overwhelmed they usually just give up and put on something they’ve already seen.

Respondents could be taking so long to make up their minds because they’re usually attempting to multitask. 

Over half (51%) are munching on snacks while scrolling through TV options and 46% are browsing apps on their phones. 

Three in five (59%) admitted they sometimes finish their entire snack before they’ve even come  to a decision and 63% described that empty bowl moment as “devastating.”

A spokesperson for SkinnyPop said, “Decisions are never easy, but the survey showed that the stakes are especially high when making TV-watching choices. So once you’ve agreed on a show and settled into the couch for a marathon session, the last thing you want is another argument over what to eat.”

Fifty-eight percent said they sometimes regret the number of snacks they eat in front of the TV or realize they’ve devoured the whole snack bag/package in one sitting (also 58%). 

Too much snacking can slow down respondents as 65% would like to find a snack they can enjoy during a TV or movie marathon but won’t make them feel sluggish after the credits roll.

When it came to the best snacks for a marathon popcorn topped the list with 56% while chips  came in second with 52%

Crackers (37%), cheese (35%) and candy (35%) rounded out the top five.

The spokesperson for SkinnyPop added, “the last thing you want is a snack that slows you down while marathoning your favorite show. The survey proved Americans want snacks they can enjoy endlessly as they press play on another episode.” 



  1. Eat snacks 51%
  2. Scroll on their phone 46%
  3. Pour a drink 44%
  4. Google what to watch 39%
  5. Ask others they’re with for a recommendation 27%



  1. Popcorn 56%
  2. Chips 52%
  3. Crackers 37%
  4. Cheese 35%
  5. Candy 35%
  6. Fruit 31%
  7. Pretzels 24%
  8. French fries  24%
  9. Chicken wings 22%
  10. Cookies 22%