Parents say this is the secret to raising confident kids

By Zoya Gervis // SWNS


Eighty-two percent of parents are making a daily concerted effort to raise their children to be confident, according to new research. 

A new poll of 1,000 parents of school-aged children found that 47% say they make sure they themselves are a good example of confidence for their children. 

And 54% inspire confidence in their children by allowing them to do things themselves.

The study conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Stokke aimed to determine how parents approach their child-rearing habits and discovered 73% say seeing their children exhibit confidence makes them feel like they’ve mastered their parenting skills.

Additionally, 74% say having a close relationship with their children is vital to their kids’ confidence.

And parents hope to boost their kids’ overall confidence by celebrating milestones. However slight, 78% of parents make an effort to celebrate all their child’s milestones and “firsts”. 

From a baby’s first time eating solid food and their first lost tooth to middle and elementary school graduation, parents want to make sure they acknowledge all the moments in their kids’ lives. 

At five years old, the average parent pushes their kids to brush their teeth on their own and pick up their toys without any assistance.

Then, at six years old, the average parent will allow their kids to make their own bed and also assist with meal preparation.

Upon seeing their children show confidence for the first time, 62% found themselves incredibly happy while a further 47% couldn’t help but be proud parents.

From hearing their child give a speech in front of a large crowd with boldness and assuredness to doing their homework all by themselves, parents will always remember the times their kid showed confidence and independence. 

However, for one in seven, having their children gain independence was bittersweet.

Beyond raising independent children, parents are encouraging their children to think critically. Seventy-nine percent of those surveyed say they encourage their child to think critically and use logic on a daily basis. 

“Confidence is one of the best gifts a parent can give a child. A child that grows up having faith in their abilities is fearless and ready to take on the obstacles life will bring on. They feel free to pursue their passions. They believe in their dreams, big or small, and have the courage to follow them. When a child is closely connected to their parent, the security they feel enables them to push beyond their comfort zone. This allows children to give in to their natural sense of curiosity, explore and learn” stated a spokesperson for Stokke.

Four in five parents say extracurricular activities are important in building up their child’s confidence as well.

As a result, parents encourage their children to try out a variety of different activities. On average, children are involved in four different extracurricular activities at one time.

Three in four parents hope their kid will boost their confidence by trying out a variety of different extracurricular activities. 

“Encouraging children to be confident and independent is a goal for many parents out there hoping to raise successful children. In fact, ensuring they are equipped with the tools necessary to conquer life and tackle obstacles that may come their way is a critical component of child-rearing” stated a spokesperson for Stokke.


  1. First lost tooth 49%
  2. First steps 48%
  3. Elementary school graduation 41%
  4. First bath 38%
  5. Middle school graduation 37%