Furry handcuffs, heart-shaped chocolates and flowers top list of most cliché Valentine’s Day gifts

By Danielle Moore // SWNS 


More than one in five Americans in a relationship (23%) have considered leaving their partner after receiving a cliched gift, according to new research.

So if you’re looking to impress your partner this Valentine’s day, go-to gifts like chocolate-covered strawberries and champagne might not cut it. 

A new study of 2,000 Americans in a relationship examined the biggest V-Day cliches that those who are coupled up say have got to go.

While 14% of respondents objected to being serenaded as a Valentine’s Day gift, and 18% indicated that a love coupon book would get little love from them, neither were among the least desired V-Day gifts.

Instead, furry handcuffs (34%), flowers (28%) and a heart-shaped box of chocolates (22%) were the top Valentine’s Day gifts respondents said they would be disappointed to receive.

Over half of respondents (53%) even agree that the oft-pedaled heart-shaped box of candy is a “cop-out gift.” 

Commissioned by Angara.com and conducted by OnePoll, the study also examined the gifts and gestures that actually do make respondents feel appreciated in a relationship. 

Nearly half of respondents (47%)  averred that it’s “extremely important” to them that their partner remembers their likes and dislikes. 

A lucky 35% say that their significant other is, in fact, extremely attentive to their preferences, and 41% reported that their partner is very attentive to these. 

So it’s somewhat unsurprising that when it came to the types of gifts from a partner that would make them feel most appreciated, a quarter of respondents said that this would be a gift that was selected with their tastes – such as their preferences for color or finish – in mind.

Dropping hints was another common theme among the gifts that would make respondents feel most appreciated, as 29% identified the gift of an experience they’d mentioned wanting, and one in five said it would be a physical gift that they’d mentioned wanting.

“The results of the survey couldn’t be clearer: tuning in to your partner's wants and preferences is the best way to make them feel appreciated with a gift this Valentine’s Day,” said Ankur Daga, CEO of Angara.com.

And while many would-be Valentines may fret over the price tag of a potential gift when considering how much to spend, the data also indicated that this is less important to the recipient than many would assume.

Nearly eight out of 10 respondents agreed that a gift that shows that your partner pays attention to your preferences and feelings is better than one that’s extravagant or expensive. 

“Particularly when it comes to classic Valentine’s day gifts like jewelry, keeping an eye out for details about your partner’s likes in terms of appearance, shape, color and size, as well as specific items they express interest in, can help you to avoid overspending on a costly gift they won’t like,” added Daga, “And will also help to ensure that your gift is received as you intended it to be – a gesture of your appreciation for that person. “

Furry handcuffs (34%)
Flowers (28%)
A heart-shaped box of chocolates (22%)
A funny card (25%)
Lingerie (24%)
Champagne (19%)
A love coupon book (18%)
Chocolate-covered strawberries (18%)
Perfume (17%)
Underwear (15%)
Scented candles (14%)
A serenade (14%)
A massage (14%)
Fancy dinner (10%)