Most people polled believe 2020 caused an existential crisis for the United States of America

By SWNS Staff


Nearly eight in 10 Americans say 2020 caused an existential crisis for the country, according to new research.

The survey asked 2,000 Americans about their experiences throughout this tumultuous year and found that 77% agreed that 2020 put the country into an existential crisis.

Baby boomers were actually the most likely to agree with this statement – at 82% compared to 76% of Gen X and 75% of millennial respondents.

And with this existential crisis America has faced, it’s no surprise that 65% of respondents felt like they had their own personal crisis at some point during the year.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Vejo, the survey also found that 68% of respondents said the year has left them feeling defeated.

It’s no surprise that the top event of 2020 that left respondents feeling defeated was the COVID-19 pandemic (63%) and not being able to enjoy pre-COVID activities as frequently as they used to (45%).

A further 45% of respondents also cited the presidential election and 35% also cited the spread of misinformation relating to COVID-19 as their top exhaustion points in 2020.

A further three in 10 respondents also said the 24/7 news cycle has taken a toll on them this year.

With all of these events adding up, over half of respondents have felt too overwhelmed throughout the year to take proper care of their health and wellness.

Fifty-six percent of respondents said they’ve been struggling now more than ever to find a wellness routine that works for them.

Nearly six in 10 (57%) respondents also said they do want to learn more about how to improve their health and learn more about their body’s nutritional needs – but they don’t know where to start.

A further 64% of those polled said it's sometimes inconvenient for them to follow a healthy lifestyle and 55% said they just don’t have enough time in the day.

Sixty-two percent of respondents also shared they struggle to find the motivation to try a new routine.

But once they do find the motivation, 57% also said they can’t seem to follow through with these new routines in the long run.

“Incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine is essential for a healthy lifestyle,” said Dr. Jan Vonhoegen, M.D., Medical Director for VEJO+ Global. “Physical activity, a diet of whole fruits and vegetables, and a good night’s sleep are the foundation of holistic health and happiness.”

Half of respondents said the most difficult aspects of a healthy lifestyle for them are eating a well-balanced diet and exercising regularly.

Another four in 10 respondents shared they struggle to get all the necessary nutrients in their diets on a daily basis.

“Starting new habits can be as easy as simplifying your existing nutritional routine, but it’s important to remember that it takes 21 days to create new habits and 90 days to create a lasting change in lifestyle,” added Dr. Jan Vonhoegen, M.D., Medical Director for VEJO+ Global.



  1. COVID-19 overall - 63%
  2. Not being able to enjoy things I used to pre-COVID (I.e. going out to bars, movie theaters) - 45%
  3. The presidential election - 45%
  4. Not being able to stick to my old pre-COVID routine - 37%
  5. Being stuck inside/quarantining - 37%
  6. The spreading of misinformation about COVID-19 - 35%
  7. The 24/7 news cycle - 32%
  8. Global climate crisis - 17%


  1. Eating a well-balanced diet - 50%
  2. Exercising regularly - 49%
  3. Getting all necessary nutrients in my diet on a daily basis - 40%
  4. Limiting how much processed food I eat - 38%
  5. Being tempted by junk food / fast food - 38%
  6. Buying organic produce - 37%
  7. Taking necessary vitamins / minerals - 31%
  8. Buying grass-fed proteins - 28%
  9. Making sure my health status is up to date with my doctor - 21%
  10. Limiting my alcohol consumption - 11%