More than half of Americans agree that they got the worst sleep of their lives in 2020

By SWNS Staff


2020 has been the worst year ever for Americans’ sleep, according to new research.

The study asked 2,000 Americans about their sleeping habits over the tumultuous year and how they hope to improve it in the new year and found 51% pinpointed this year as their worst year for sleep.

In fact, 42% of respondents said they can’t even remember the last time they got a good night’s sleep. Fittingly, six in 10 of those surveyed also said they plan to make sleep a top priority next year.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Hatch, the survey found that the top 2020 culprit for poor sleep was consuming too much news (34%). Another 22% of those polled said spending too much time with their family during quarantine has also taken a toll on their beauty rest.

Other trends that had a negative impact on respondents included Zoom call fatigue (16%), burnout while working from home (16%) and even staying up too late watching a Netflix binge (13%).

With sleep quality declining, those polled have been turning to various methods to try to regain control of their sleep schedule.

Thirty-four percent of respondents have tried listening to music to wind down and 20% have turned to meditation. Fourteen percent of respondents have even turned to the classic aid of counting sheep to help drift off.

As quarantine continues and the holidays rapidly approach, respondents were asked how they plan to handle these additional stressors on top of an already difficult year.

With 42% of respondents in agreement that the holidays are the most stressful time of the year, it’s no wonder that four in 10 also said this is usually when they get their worst sleep of the year.

Nearly a quarter of respondents shared that the prying questions from their relatives regarding their career heightens their stress level during holiday get togethers and in turn inhibits their sleep. Two in 10 respondents also said the pressure to answer questions about their relationship and physical appearance is another stress point that disrupts their sleep during the holidays.

Of those planning not to host family and friends this year, 32% of respondents believe their sleep quality will improve this holiday season thanks to the emptier household.

“The holidays are stressful enough as it is, and the added curveballs 2020 has thrown our way likely won’t do us any favors come November and December,” said Ann Crady Weiss, co-founder and CEO of Hatch. “I think a lot of people would agree that staying sane has been a tall task this year, and I think getting that full night of sleep on a consistent basis will be more important than ever this holiday season to help cope with the stress of everything that’s going on.”

Despite the constant stress of 2020, 61% of the respondents did share that the COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged them to make their sleep health more of a priority in the new year.

And the top “New Year, New Sleep” goals that respondents have are simple – go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

Thirty-three percent of respondents are also reevaluating their diet and the impact it has on their sleep.

“Sleep plays a major role in nearly every aspect of our health,” said Crady Weiss. “In difficult or stressful times, sleep always seems to get pushed to the bottom of the priority list, when in reality our ability to handle those other priorities diminishes rapidly as our sleep quality declines. Our hope is for everyone to take a step back in 2021 and put their sleep wellness at the top of their list.”


  1. Consumed too much news - 34%
  2. Spend too much time with people in their household - 22%
  3. Disappointment over canceled vacations - 19%
  4. Spent too much time on Zoom - 16%
  5. Burnout from constantly working at home - 16%
  6. Consumed more alcohol than usual - 15%
  7. Staying up too late to watch Tiger King - 13%
  8. Training a new pet - 5%


  1. Coordinating and cooking holiday meals - 28%
  2. Crowding in a full house of relatives of all ages - 28%
  3. Pressure related to giving nice holiday gifts - 27%
  4. Stressful questions related to their career/financial status - 23%
  5. Stressful questions related to their relationship status - 20%
  6. Yelling/arguing - 19%
  7. Stressful questions related to their physical appearance - 19%
  8. Judgment surround housekeeping/cleaning habits - 14%


  1. Going to bed at a set time every day - 38%
  2. Waking up at the same time every day - 35%
  3. Creating a bedtime routine - 33%
  4. Being more aware of their diet and its effect on their sleep health - 33%
  5. Creating a morning routine - 26%
  6. Not drinking caffeine past a certain time in the day - 26%
  7. Limit daytime naps - 17%
  8. Meditating before bed - 12%