Most people won't buy from your website if it looks like this

By SWNS Staff


In an increasingly virtual world, three in four Americans agree that how a company presents themselves online is more important now than ever before.

In fact, the average American abandons 24 online purchases per year because a company’s website looks unprofessional, according to new research.

A new survey of 2,000 Americans and 500 American small business owners found that how a company portrays themselves online is becoming increasingly important.

Just in the past month, the average American hasn’t gone through with $61 worth of purchases due to a brand’s website giving them pause.

The study, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of GoDaddy, went on to show that 82% of Americans say they’re less likely to buy something from a company if their online presence is unprofessional or dated.

Six in ten Americans go so far as to say they are “disappointed” when they go to shop with a company and they don’t have a sleek, modern website.

But it’s not just official websites. Half of those polled say they’re “disappointed” when a brand they want to shop with has no social media presence.

And two in three say they would think twice about shopping with a company if they had an unprofessional or dated social media presence.

Nearly three in four (72%) say they are much more conscious of a brand’s online image now than they were just five years ago.

One in three say they enjoy a brand that has a “quirky” online presence, with 58% saying they’ve shopped with a brand specifically because one of their social media posts grabbed their attention.

With the world shifting more online, are small business owners aware that their bottom line is affected by how their website and social media presence looks?

According to the results, they’re highly aware.

Nearly every SBO polled (92%) said they felt like their website appearance affected their sales, with nearly the same amount saying the same about their social media presence.

But they could maybe use a hand when it comes to their own online presence.

“The survey findings show that it’s important to look good everywhere that your customers are,” said Justin Tsai, VP Product and Growth at GoDaddy. “Small business owners have a lot on their plate without the added worry of a sleek online presence. GoDaddy recently unveiled new features that gives small business owners the opportunity to easily create beautifully designed visual content for their websites and social channels without having to hire a graphic designer. ”