How the 2020 election is inspiring Americans to stand up for what they believe in

By Marie Haaland // SWNS


Four in five Americans said 2020 has made them want to stand up for what they believe in more than ever before, according to new research.

The survey of 2,000 Americans found 79% said this year has encouraged them to take a stand — and the top way they’re doing so is by casting their ballot.

In addition to voting, 39% of respondents are standing up for what they believe in by educating themselves more on current events, and a third (32%) are even educating others on how to vote.

This education is paying off: 71% said they feel more informed about politics and current events since the start of the primaries in February.

Commissioned by LOTRIMIN, a foot care OTC brand, and conducted by OnePoll, the survey examined the other ways respondents are standing up for what they believe in, and what that means for their vote.

Forty-four percent of respondents are more openly sharing their opinions, while 41% are having more conversations with loved ones about important issues ahead of the election.

Seven in 10 believe they’ve made a positive impact on their loved ones’ voting habits and stances on certain issues through these conversations.

Some respondents might be speaking up because they can no longer stay quiet — 73% said this is the most important election of their life.

The survey revealed 46% of respondents said they’re more likely to stand up for issues they believe in ahead of the election, and they’ve also become more politically active.

In fact, results found 68% said they’re more politically active than they ever have been before.

“As the people who care for your feet, we want you to worry less about them and more about making your voice heard this election season. Because now more than ever, it’s important for people to stand up for what they believe in,” said Thales Soares, VP and general manager of skin health at Bayer. “That’s why we’ve launched our ‘Stand with Confidence’ program to invite everyone to find the confidence to tell the world what they stand for in this critical election year. You can read more about our program at”

Seventy-six percent of respondents said they’re planning to vote in this year’s election, and of those, 54% are planning to vote in-person.

And respondents agreed: due to COVID-19 and social distancing measures, 75% of voting respondents expect it to take longer to cast their ballot this year.

Of those planning to vote, the average respondent would be willing to wait in line for almost five hours — but some have concerns about social distancing (24%) while others said their general aches and pains will make it more difficult to wait in line (22%).

The weather (21%), foot pain (17%) and respondents’ job (12%) were also all factors that might make it more difficult to vote in-person.

But respondents won’t give up that easily: 83% said once they show up, they won’t leave without casting their ballot.

“We know waiting in long lines can be uncomfortable, especially for those who suffer from common foot issues such as athlete’s foot, wetness, odor, etc. So, whether you’re standing in lines at the polls, or walking to your mailbox to cast your ballot, we want to help make it easier for people to step confidently and share their voice on Nov. 3,” said Thales Soares, VP and general manager of skin health at Bayer.



  1. Vote in the upcoming presidential election                                                            59%
  2. Share their opinions more openly                                                                          44%
  3. Have more conversations with loved ones about important issues                      41%
  4. Educating themself on current issues                                                                    39%
  5. Educating others on how to vote                                                                            32%
  6. Help others vote (drive them to polls, help them sign up for mail-in ballots)         29%
  7. Sign petitions                                                                                                          27%
  8. Donate to causes they believe in                                                                           24%
  9. Volunteer for causes they believe in                                                                      23%
  10. Participate in protests/rallies/marches                                                                   19%



  1. Concerns about social distancing/staying safe with COVID-19     24%
  2. General aches and pains                                                               22%
  3. The weather                                                                                   21%
  4. Foot pain (athlete's foot, etc.)                                                        17%
  5. My job (only have a short break/can't wait in line all day)             12%