Would you date an unsafe driver? These people say it's a dealbreaker

By Danielle Moore // SWNS


If you’re looking to impress a potential partner, you might want to reconsider your driving habits.

While stereotypes imply that having a high-end vehicle makes you more impressive, another car-related factor might actually be worth greater consideration. 

More than half of American drivers (56%) would not date someone they thought was an unsafe driver, according to new research. 

Moreover, nearly a fifth of Americans (18%) say they’ve ended things with a partner due to their driving habits. 

The survey of 2,000 drivers found that 78% percent of Americans agree that the way a person drives says a lot about their personality. 

And three out of four say that the way a person takes care of their car also says a lot about what the driver is really like. 

Conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by Christian Brothers Automotive, the study also examined the specific personality factors attributed to certain types of driving and vehicle care habits.

Forty-six percent of those polled felt that drivers who followed the rules of the road are more trustworthy. 

Respondents also viewed drivers who take care of their cars as responsible (52%) and more reliable (43%). 

On the other hand of the driving habit spectrum, three out of four respondents characterized drivers who don’t wear seatbelts as “reckless.”

Forty-two percent say that drivers who tend to speed are dangerous, and 24% say they are impulsive.

“We all recognize the major deterrents to driving safely and how those behaviors affect personal relationships,” said Donnie Carr, president of Christian Brothers Automotive.

“What we found interesting, however, is how people’s car care habits and less egregious behaviors also impact loved ones.”

When it comes to their own driving preferences, 41% say that they prefer driving fast, even if it means breaking the speed limit. 

And one in three respondents say they feel the speed limit is “just a suggestion.” 

Sixty-one percent of respondents, however, said that if a driver was excessively speeding, it would cause them to never get in the car with them again. 

More than a third (36%) have refused to be driven by a friend due to their poor driving habits.

And 71% agreed that they would refuse to be driven by a friend or family member who displayed poor auto care habits (such as having their check engine light on for an extended period of time without having the car checked). 

“Next time you get an oil change, make sure you ask about a complimentary vehicle inspection,” added Carr. “We offer it to all our guests and getting one completed will enable you to easily address any issues before they become costly and inconvenient problems. And, more importantly, allow you peace of mind knowing your vehicle is safe for you and your loved ones.”



  1. Excessive speeding (61%) 
  2. Cutting off other cars in traffic (54%)
  3. Leaving inadequate following distance on the highway (44%)
  4. Yelling at other drivers (43%)
  5. Excessive horn honking (38%)
  6. Not using the car’s turn signal when turning (38%)
  7. One hand on the wheel (29%)
  8. Talking constantly while driving (29%)
  9. Unnecessary high beam use (25%)
  10. Singing while driving (18%)