This percentage of people say they would have the hots for someone who cares about the environment

By Marie Haaland // SWNS


One in five Americans has broken up with a partner because they weren’t “green” enough, according to new research.

The survey of 2,000 Americans looked at the intersection of dating and being environmentally friendly, and revealed 56% think it’s a turn-off when a potential partner isn’t eco-friendly.

Not everyone will take such extreme action as breaking things off, but results revealed respondents do value a partner who cares about the environment.

Sixty-nine percent of those surveyed said they find being environmentally friendly an attractive trait in a partner.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Avocado Green Mattress, the survey found this is one of many things respondents like to have in common with their partner.

The old adage “opposites attract” might not be true after all, as 84% believe it’s important for them and their partner to have similar values.

Top of the list for things respondents want to have in common with their partner was future/long-term plans, followed by having shared values and a complementary sense of humor.

Half of Americans surveyed felt it was important to have a similar attitude toward sex, while 49% want themself and their partner to have a similar lifestyle, whether that’s being a homebody or going out in the evenings.

A third believe it’s important to share political opinions, while 27% want to have similar levels of political actions.

And part of their political actions is how environmentally friendly they are: results revealed 53% believe a desire to protect the planet is sexy — and 55% said it would be a dealbreaker if a potential partner believed climate change was a hoax.

“Listening is fundamental to any partnership,” said Avocado Mattress cofounder and CMO Mark Abrials. “Not hearing the very real threats of climate change or dismissing our individual responsibility on this planet jeopardizes more than our relationships. It puts us all at greater risk.”

While some respondents value a partner who is eco-friendly, others have become more environmentally friendly after being in a relationship.

While 32% of respondents admitted to “eco-shaming” their partner — calling them out for environmentally-unfriendly behavior — a fifth (22%) have been on the receiving end of that.

For those who were eco-shamed, 34% said it encouraged them to make a permanent change.

“The best partners challenge us to be better versions of ourselves,” said Abrials. “By holding each other accountable to do the right thing, we have the power to build a more sustainable and equitable future.”



  1. Future plans/long-term goals                     57%
  2. Shared values                                             56%
  3. Sense of humor                                          50%
  4. Sex drive/attitude toward sex                     50%
  5. Lifestyle                                                       49%
  6. Personality traits                                         46%
  7. Work ethic                                                   44%
  8. Hobbies and interests                                 41%
  9. Political opinions                                         35%
  10. Political actions                                           27%