People spending time wining, dining and improving themselves during quarantine

By Marie Haaland // SWNS


Two-thirds of Americans said quarantine has made them a better person, according to new research.

The survey of 2,000 Americans (aged 21+) looked at the positives changes to come from this challenging time — and the ways in which respondents are re-prioritizing what they value. 

Results revealed 55% of respondents were even a bit embarrassed by some of the things they valued or favored pre-quarantine, and this time spent inside gave 70% a chance to learn more about themselves.

Commissioned by Coravin and conducted by OnePoll, the survey found quarantine has, understandably, changed Americans’ outlook on life.

Some respondents gained the time and flexibility to delve into new hobbies and discover new passions, and 35% said they want to continue those hobbies once quarantine is over.

Sixty-four percent of respondents used their time during quarantine to learn more about wine, and 66% of respondents said quarantine helped to mature their palate.

Wine lovers, new and old, also used the time to experiment with using wine in their cooking (39%) and to learn more about different types of wine (37%).

And learning more about wine paid off, as 45% now have a new favorite kind of varietal. Results revealed respondents’ favorite wine pre-quarantine was pinot grigio — while post-quarantine, rosé edged it out as the top pick.

“These past few months have been a time for reset and to explore new passions like wine,” said Chris Ladd, CEO of Coravin. “Whether tasting new varietals or discovering fun ways to incorporate wine in your cooking or experimenting with at-home food pairings, Coravin gives you the freedom to explore without committing to an entire bottle, nor worrying about wasting the rest."

This opportunity to explore personal interests beyond work has led 27% of respondents to indicate they are hoping to achieve a better work/life balance coming out of quarantine.

Being close to the people we care about was a major theme for respondents, as 46% want to spend more quality time with friends and family, and 38% plan to create more meaningful relationships with those around them.

During quarantine, some respondents stayed in touch with loved ones through “sharing” a bottle of wine while connecting virtually (26%).

Seven in 10 respondents believe wine can help connect people and bring them together, both virtually and in-person, which might be one of the reasons people embraced this during COVID-19.

“What once brought people together spontaneously must now be more planned out and orchestrated. Shared passions, such as enjoying a bottle of wine, are perfect ways to come together and create shared experiences virtually,” said Greg Lambrecht, Coravin Founder. Coravin CEO Chris Ladd adds, “Quarantine has given us unprecedented time to explore and try new things both personally and with our loved ones. It’s forced us to be creative in how we remain connected when we are physically distant. And it’s created an environment where virtual events like wine tastings have flourished, introducing a broader audience to experiences they might not have had in person. We expect these new approaches to last well after ‘normal’ returns.”