These are the ways American women are prioritizing their health

By SWNS Staff


Four in 10 American women have experienced a health scare that has made them reevaluate their lifestyle, according to new research. 

The survey asked 2,000 American women aged 25 to 50 about their health throughout the years and how they’ve adapted their wellness routines.

Of the 57% of women surveyed who have experienced a health wake-up call, 36% said their health wake-up call was the COVID-19 pandemic.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Thorne, the survey also found that 28% of women surveyed said having their child was the wake-up call they needed to reevaluate their health.

A quarter of women said their health wake-up call was unfortunately the passing of a loved one.

Other health wake-up calls women experienced included going to their yearly physical, getting a new job and even getting married.

Nearly three-quarters of women surveyed said they have rolled with the punches life throws at them and have changed up their wellness habits as they’ve gotten older.

In fact, 65% of respondents said they actively look for ways to improve their wellness routines.

Topping the list of wellness routine evolutions included trying new vitamins or supplements, changing up their exercise routines and trying a new diet.

Thirty-five percent of women polled said their key to an updated wellness routine was starting yoga and another 33% had meditation to thank.

Just over a quarter of respondents also shared they’ve started therapy as a way to improve their wellness as well.

Half of the women surveyed, in fact, shared that improving their mental health is one of their main wellness goals.

Other wellness goals for women surveyed included increased their mental acuity and having more sex.

These wellness changes aren’t always easy, however, as 63% of women surveyed said they struggle to follow through with their health goals.

Forty-five percent of women shared their friends are the key to staying motivated to achieve their wellness goals.

“If you don’t know why, you cannot possibly know how,” said Amanda Frick, ND, LAc, Thorne’s Executive Director of Medical Affairs. “Whether the motivator is your family, friends, or an event, finding the “why” is the most important step to keep you moving towards your goal and on the path to optimal wellness.”

Another 33% of those surveyed said their go-to motivator is sharing their progress on social media.

Nearly three-quarters of women also said they believe taking vitamins and supplements is a key factor of a successful wellness routine.

And four in 10 women surveyed said they’re reevaluating their vitamin and supplement regimens as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Even with the best diet and exercise program, we all need a little help sometimes,” says Frick. “Lifestyle factors, environmental stressors, and genetic variations can all cause an increased need for nutritional support. Including nutritional supplements in your daily routine can help you accomplish your health goals.”



  1. Health scare - 44%
  2. COVID-19 pandemic - 36%
  3. Having a child - 28%
  4. Yearly physical/check-up - 27%
  5. Death of a loved one - 24%
  6. Getting a new job - 24%
  7. Surgery - 23%
  8. Getting married - 23%
  9. Getting their first mammogram - 18%
  10. Graduating from high school - 16%
  11. Moving to a new city - 15%
  12. Graduating from college - 15%
  13. Injury - 14%



  1. Tried new vitamins and supplements - 48%
  2. Changed exercise routines - 47%
  3. Tried a new diet - 43%
  4. Started yoga - 35%
  5. Started meditating - 33%
  6. Started therapy - 26%
  7. Met with a specialist doctor - 25%