People are getting creative to make the most of summer 2020

By Allison Sadlier // SWNS


Two-thirds of Americans sadly think summer loses it’s magic as they get older, according to new research. 

The survey of 2,000 US adults found grown-up responsibilities, not having enough time, and having a job were the top three contributors to taking the fun out of the season.

Despite all that and COVID-19, respondents are determined to have the summer of their lives. 

The survey, commissioned by Dutch Bros Coffee in celebration of its new Campout Cold Brew and conducted by OnePoll, revealed seven in ten plan on getting creative to make the most of summer 2020. 

Many are drawing inspiration from a treasured place to make their summer extra special ‒ their own childhoods. Two in three will be embracing the same activities they loved as kids.

Three-quarters say the best part of summer growing up was having all sorts of spontaneous adventures with their friends.

The average person had the best summer of their life at age 14 and had five adventures to make that ultimate summer truly memorable. 

The most common activities respondents are looking to recreate from their youth this summer were hanging out with friends (44%), bonfires (31%) and camping in the woods (30%). 

Other summer classics adults want to return to were swimming in a pool (30%), family vacations and reunions (both 27%). 

Nearly two-thirds of respondents are parents and of those 87% are hoping to give their kids a summer like the ones they enjoyed. 

Eighty-five percent of parents also said their children have helped them recapture that summer magic. 

Two in five respondents have summer traditions from their childhood they still uphold today. Some top favorites included camping in the woods, sleeping in the backyard, telling ghost stories and summer camps. 

Bryce Schneider, head of Broista training at Dutch Bros Coffee, said, “It’s not surprising that most people find summer less magical when they add in adult responsibilities. I’ve tried to find ways to keep summer exciting like enjoying fun adventures and sweet treats. I love sitting by a campfire, roasting marshmallows and making s’mores- it’s like being a kid all over again.” 

Respondents frequently named bonfires as one of their favorite summer memories and one they hope to get back to this year.

And what would a bonfire be without s’mores? Survey respondents broke down what it takes to make the perfect s’more. 

Three in four deemed graham crackers as the only sandwich material for the ideal s’more but when it came to chocolate the results were more varied. 

Two in five prefer milk chocolate in their s’more while 23% opt for dark chocolate, 17% for white chocolate and 13% would go for a chocolate peanut butter cup. 

Perhaps the most important element of a s’more is the marshmallow roast. A third said the marshmallow should be medium roasted and just a little tan and brown.

Nearly a quarter said they like their marshmallow well roasted and one in five prefer it barely roasted at all. 

While a marshmallow on fire would seem like a lost cause to many, 2% said they want their s’more marshmallow properly burnt black. 

Ashley, Smith, a lead of Dutch Bros Coffee’s broista teams, added, “summer is like the longest holiday when you’re a kid. Then, you become an adult, and it’s just another season. Tapping in to the nostalgia that comes with summer can be tough, but there are simple ways like enjoying summer flavors. My favorite is our Campout Cold Brew, it's like summer s’mores in one cup.” 



  1. Milk chocolate                       40%
  2. Dark chocolate                      23%
  3. White chocolate                     17%
  4. Chocolate peanut butter cup 13%



  1. Medium roasted - a little tan and brown          37%
  2. Well roasted - very tan and brown                  23%
  3. Barely roasted - barely any color difference   21%
  4. Nearly burnt - brown and a little black              6%
  5. Not roasted                                                      6%
  6. Burnt - black and was on fire a little                  2%



  1. Spending time with friends              44%
  2. Bonfires                                           31%
  3. Camping in the woods                     30%
  4. Swimming in a pool                         30%
  5. Family vacations                             27%
  6. Family reunions                               27%
  7. Sleepovers with friends                   27%
  8. Swimming in a large body of water 25%
  9. Playing outside all day                    25%
  10. Sleeping in the backyard                 23%