Poll: Most people admit they didn’t take their health seriously before COVID-19

By SWNS Staff


Eight in 10 Americans are reevaluating their health priorities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research.

The study asked 2,000 Americans about their health and how the novel coronavirus has affected their health plans.

Sixty-two percent of those surveyed admitted that they didn’t take their health seriously enough before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Seven in 10 are even using self-isolation as an opportunity to hit the reset button and improve their health.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of cellular health product Tru Niagen, the survey found that 59% of respondents said the top thing they’re focused on improving during self-isolation is eating healthier.

Over half of the respondents shared their biggest health improvement success was simply just eating more fruits and vegetables while they’ve been in self-isolation.

Seven in 10 respondents also said they’ve struggled to stay positive and motivated while they’re stuck indoors – so it’s no surprise that 41% said they’re using this time to focus on improving their mental health.

So what are people doing to keep themselves busy? Forty-six percent of those surveyed said they’ve been turning to the kitchen to boost their moods and stay busy.

And this is paying off, as 59% of respondents said they’re cooking more than ever during this period of self-isolation.

Other ways respondents are staying busy include watching TV, redecorating their homes and even taking time to meditate.

Three in 10 respondents are also taking this time to learn a new skill and 29% are curling up with a good book.

And despite being stuck inside, 67% of those surveyed said they feel they’ve actually been more physically active in self-isolation.

Respondents shared they’ve been able to squeeze in an extra three and a half hours of exercise each week and have been taking at least two walks a day to stay active.

Nearly half of the respondents said they’ve made daily walks a family activity as well.

"Now more than ever we are conscious of our health,” says Rob Fried, CEO of ChromaDex, the makers of Tru Niagen and global leader in NAD+ science. “When choosing health related products, please choose trusted brands with proven safe, clinically verified products.”

Another way respondents are staying busy is by researching how they can improve their immune health, so it’s no surprise that 77% of those surveyed said they’re focusing on how to improve their immune system more than ever before.

A quarter of respondents are even using this time to completely revamp their health regimens and 42% are turning to DIY’s to give their immune systems a boost.

“While many Americans have experienced disruptions to their fitness routines, it’s important to stay active for your physical and mental well-being,” says Dr. Andrew Shao, ChromaDex SVP of Global Regulatory & Scientific Affairs. “Keep the family healthy together by exploring virtual fitness classes and activities you can do safely outdoors while maintaining recommended physical distancing guidelines.” 


  1. Cook/bake - 46%
  2. Watch TV - 42%
  3. Reorganize an area of their home - 37%
  4. Clean their home - 36%
  5. Redecorate their home - 34%
  6. Learn a new exercise routine  - 31%
  7. Learn a new skill - 30%
  8. Read - 29%
  9. Video call with friends and family - 28%
  10. Research how to improve their immunity health - 26%
  11. Create a new health regimen - 25%
  12. Listen to podcasts - 21%
  13. Meditate - 21%
  14. Drink alcohol - 17%
  15. Journal/write - 15%



  1. Eat healthier - 59%
  2. Drink more water - 50%
  3. Exercise more - 50%
  4. Improve their immunity health - 49%
  5. Take better care of their skin - 45%
  6. Improve their mental health - 41%