Most Americans find it too hard to stay healthy without the support of others

By Zoya Gervis // SWNS


Half of Americans rely on their partners to keep them accountable for living a healthy lifestyle, according to new research.

Doing it alone can be difficult, and according to the new poll, 68% of Americans say they need someone to hold them accountable for making healthy choices — with nearly six in 10 people saying it's too hard to be healthier on their own.

But, because of the stay at home orders in place due to COVID-19, 76% of Americans feel like they finally have the time to practice healthier routines and start taking better care of themselves.

The study conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Culturelle aimed to examine how people try to encourage their family, friends and partners to stay healthy and maintain an active lifestyle and found 63% of those polled credit someone else for helping them get healthier.

Fifty-six percent of those in a relationship say their partner helped them by stepping up and cooking healthy meals. 

And nearly half (46%) also try their best to encourage their partners to exercise.

Forty-seven percent have sought out the help of a workout buddy to help keep them accountable for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, while 36% logged their food in a food journal to meet their health goals. 

Forty-two percent have reached out to friends for some healthy recipes and cooking tips.

Having someone else in your corner seems to work well because, according to the results, 59% worry their accountability partner will negatively judge them if they make an unhealthy choice that would hinder their progress.  

While health and fitness is one way Americans sought influence from others, they’ve also drawn on others’ music tastes (36%), fashion (29%) and hobbies (24%), according to the survey. 

In addition, 17% percent were encouraged to ask for a raise or promotion from others while 14% had others help them get out and feel comfortable getting back out into the dating world. 

A whopping 78% even say they wouldn’t be where they are today without the support and encouragement of their partners, family and friends. 

We know everyone is busy and although they want to live a healthy lifestyle it isn’t always easy,” explains Eric Bianco, Culturelle Brand Manager. “We believe simple and efficient solutions are the best way to stick to your wellness goals.” 

One way to maintain a healthy lifestyle is to take supplements, which nearly a quarter (24%) of those polled say they always do. 

But, making it a habit can be difficult without the assistance of someone else. Fifty-nine percent of those studied say they need someone else to hold them accountable for taking their daily supplements otherwise they wouldn’t have the willpower to do so. 

Bianco added, “Culturelle provides a line of proven and effective probiotics making it easy for the whole family to support their digestive and immune health in one-easy step. One way to hold yourself accountable is to store it on your nightstand and take it first thing in the morning or before bed.”



  1. Health/fitness 44%
  2. Cooking style/habits 38%
  3. Music taste 36%
  4. Fashion sense/style 29%
  5. Organization 24%



  1. Cook healthy meals for them 41%
  2. Sending them positive encouragement/affirmations 36%
  3. Exercise with them 35%
  4. Give them compliments 34%
  5. Calling and checking in on them frequently 30%