Mansplained and underpaid: 62% of working women don’t see an opportunity for growth

By Allison Sadlier // SWNS
New York office - 646-873-7565 /


The average woman gets mansplained at work six times a week -- that’s 312 times a year.

Three in five women think men don’t even realize they’re explaining information women already knew.

A new study of 2,000 employed women examined the modern workforce and the uphill battles women in the workplace frequently face.

Two in five women have been told by male colleagues they “come on too strong” — but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  

The study conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Self found three in four women think they’re underpaid and should be making more in their current position.

Respondents feel they’re being short-changed by quite a large sum. The average woman polled thinks she should be making $11,631.35 more annually. 

That money could be going toward other colleagues since over half know male coworkers of the same rank and title that are making more than them. 

Results also revealed the average woman suspects her male counterparts are making $8,964.06 more on an annual basis.

Sixty-five percent don’t think their company provides the same opportunities for women as their male coworkers. 


A third of working women (32%) say their current company has no female supervisors so it’s no wonder that 62% also don’t expect to stay with their employer due to lack of growth opportunities.

But that’s not the only reason women are looking to move on from their current position. Respondents revealed the top elements that would prompt them to begin the job search.

With the rise of the #MeToo movement, women refuse to put up with any sort of harassment as it came out at the top of the list of reasons they would leave their job. 

A lack of work flexibility came behind in second place while unequal pay, lack of consistent enforcement of company policies, and lack of company transparency rounded out the top five. 

If companies hope to keep their female employees for the long haul, there is a list of things that need to change. 

Forty-five percent desire equal pay while 44% say their ideal workplace has flexibility for working parents. 

Time off for a newborn is exhausting and exciting, but many parents feel like they don’t get enough of it. Forty-two percent want to see generous maternity leave followed by generous paternity leave with 39%.

Seven in ten women also think paternity leave should be just as long as maternity leave.

A spokesperson for Self said, “To thrive at work, women want fundamental things like safety and the support needed to get their jobs done. Equal pay and benefits like childcare and flexibility for working parents (not just moms) shouldn’t be considered radical requests. Ultimately, empowering women in the workplace can be good for both women and their employers, it doesn’t have to be an either-or situation.”

Even once new mothers return to work, many face an environment that’s not conducive to their needs. 

Forty-two percent wish their workplace or building had childcare to help make parenting easier. 

Two in five think employers should provide a stipend for childcare while 45% think a more flexible work from home policy to watch kids at home is needed.

The spokesperson for Self added, “At a certain point, there’s only so much more women can do on their own to improve their financial futures. Sure, we can save money and pay down debt, but it would be easier to do those things if women consistently received the same resources and opportunities as men.”



  1. Harassment                                                                               40%
  2. Lack of work flexibility                                                                38%
  3. Unequal pay                                                                              36%
  4. Lack of consistency in the enforcement of company policies    35%
  5. Lack of company transparency                                                  34%
  6. Sexism                                                                                       33%
  7. Office politics                                                                             31%
  8. Lack of growth                                                                           30%
  9. Office cliques                                                                             23%


  1. Equal pay                                                                                 45%
  2. Flexibility for parents                                                                44%
  3. Generous maternity leave                                                        42%
  4. More women in leadership roles                                               41%
  5. Generous paternity leave                                                          39%
  6. More company transparency                                                     27%


  1. Flexible work from home policy                                              45%
  2. Paid maternity leave                                                               44%
  3. In-office/building childcare                                                      42%
  4. Stipend for childcare                                                               41%
  5. Longer maternity leave                                                           39%
  6. Paternity leave                                                                        20%