Majority of people in relationships hide their bad eating habits from their significant others

By Zoya Gervis // SWNS
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Over half of Americans are cheating on their partners — with food, according to new research.

A poll of 2,000 Americans in relationships found 71% make unhealthy choices behind their partner's back and 55% have hidden food in their home from their partner.

In fact, seven in 10 actually lie to their partner about their unhealthy eating habits.

The study, conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Sabra, examined the eating habits and behaviors of 2,000 Americans in relationships and uncovered 64% of Americans say their relationships are not as healthy as they could be.

A staggering 68% say their partner negatively influences their eating habits.

But what would encourage healthy relationships? Fifty-four percent say eating well is one way to improve the health of a relationship.

Another 54% say they believe eating well can contribute to improving the health of their relationships – almost identical to those who think more sex can improve the health of a relationship.

When it comes to eating healthier, though, Americans are turning to others to hold them more accountable.

Nearly half (49%) say they trust their partners the most to make sure they’re sticking to their healthier eating goals.

And it works: Three in four respondents say they’ve successfully  influenced their partner to be healthier overall.

Seventy-seven percent say their partner has positively influenced their overall life and well-being.

This positive impact has encouraged 62% of respondents to eat healthier while a further 59% have been encouraged to exercise more by their partner.

But it’s not just partners they trust to keep them in line when it comes to healthy habits. Thirty-four percent rely on a best friend to hold them accountable for their healthy eating decisions while a further 28% entrust a co-worker to make sure they make healthy eating habits regularly.

Besides eating better and working out more, partners are encouraging one another to save money (54%), love themselves (53%) and have a general positive attitude about life (41%).

But despite all their efforts when it comes to healthy eating, 42% say Valentine’s Day is a "cheat day" for them when it comes to food.

Is your relationship as hot as your favorite foods? When asked to compare their relationships with a variety of different foods, Americans’ top choices were melted mac and cheese or spaghetti and meatballs.

The top plant-based comparisons were PB&J and creamy hummus and warm pita.

“Valentine’s Day is a celebration of romance and relationships, but let’s face it, not every relationship is as healthy as it could be,” said Jason Levine, Sabra CMO. “Enjoying foods you feel great about eating with someone you love may be just what you need to smooth things over and swipe right.”

1. Eating healthier                                                             62%
2. Exercising more                                                            59%
3 Accepting myself/loving myself                                      53%
4. Saving money                                                               54%
5. Attitude towards life and others                                     41%