These are the top 30 most recognizable logos in the United States

By SWNS Staff
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The simple "apple" logo of the tech giant has been named the most recognizable logo in the United States, according to new research.

A study of 2,000 Americans tested respondents on their knowledge of logos and saw the famous yellow "M" symbol of McDonald's and the Coca-Cola logo also among the most well-known.

Nike, Starbucks and Google all made the top 10 with Facebook, Adidas, Amazon and YouTube rounding out the list.

More than a third of those polled (36%) say the logo itself helps them remember a brand.

It also emerged that half are more likely to use a company with a logo they recognize, while three in five wouldn’t use a company if their brand image looked terrible — even if they’d heard good things about the product itself.

The research was commissioned by Promotique by Vistaprint – a promotional products provider to small- and medium-sized businesses.

More than three-quarters (78%) of respondents go as far as to say that logos should be regarded as "works of art."

A further 42% believe a logo tells them about the business’ "personality" and more than a third said it suggests the quality of a brand.

In fact, when thinking about starting their own business, 28% of Americans said the logo would be their single highest priority and more than half said it would be "high."

The research also found a quarter of respondents believe the colors used in a logo help them to remember a brand.

A fifth believe red makes for the most memorable images followed by blue and green. Pink was found to be the least memorable color for a logo.

Three in 10 also said the first thing they notice when they see a product is the logo, followed by the name and color.

“Our research shows just how much of an impact a businesses’ logo has on its credibility," said Llorenç Solà, General Manager for Promotique by Vistaprint. "Customers can recognize the leading brands with just a primary color or a certain shape of a logo and consumers naturally trust these companies more.

"This means both new and more established businesses need to get their logos out in the market to make them more memorable.

“Everything a business puts out there should reflect their overall identity. Whether it’s a T-shirt with a logo on or branded tote bags, customers should be able to connect with the business’ story and who they are.”

According to the study, 85% of respondents described themselves as "loyal" to brands and a further three-quarters agreed the "look and feel" can make or break a brand.

Three-quarters of those surveyed said they are also more likely to remember a brand if they receive merchandise from them.

Half would like to receive T-shirts as promotional products, while a third opt for pens and a quarter favor tote bags.

And 51% said receiving promotional products from a brand makes them more likely to buy from them.

More than half of Americans already own clothing featuring logos — a quarter said they would wear a T-shirt with McDonald’s imagery and a fifth feel the same about Starbucks.

“The research shows that getting your logo out there is extremely important," said Solà. "Promotique by Vistaprint offers promotional products which can be customized with a logo to help businesses be both recognized and remembered.”

How well do you know famous brand logos? Take this quiz to find out:

1. Apple
2. McDonald’s
3. Coca-Cola
4. Nike
5. Starbucks
6. Google
7. Facebook
8. Adidas
9. Amazon
10. YouTube
11. Pepsi
12. Mercedes
13. Disney
14. Ford
15. Toyota
16. Twitter
17. Instagram
18. Windows
19. Nissan
20. BMW
21. Playboy
22. Visa
23. FedEx
24. Red Bull
25. Honda
26. Burger King
27. Levis
28. Ferrari
29. Marvel
30. LEGO

*Promotique, Vistaprint, Cimpress, the Cimpress logo and the Vistaprint logo are trademarks of Cimpress plc or its subsidiaries. All other brand and product names appearing in this article and quiz may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders to which Cimpress plc or its subsidiaries have no affiliation with or sponsorship from.*