These are the top 20 goals Americans want to achieve in 2020

By Zoya Gervis // SWNS
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Getting their finances in order is Americans' top goal for 2020, according to new research.

But that's not the only thing they're hoping to accomplish — a new survey of 2,000 Americans found other goals included getting out of debt (35%) and becoming more organized (34%).

And a third of respondents will try to buy a home this coming year.

Conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with, the survey examined respondents' aspirations for the 2020 and uncovered 55% have a house-related goal.

Of those with a goal for their home, a whopping 58% would like to upgrade their appliances while a further 53% hope to install smart home technology in their humble abodes.

But that’s not all Americans plan on doing in their homes in the new year. Other house-related goals people have include redecorating their space (51%), remodeling at least one room in their home (47%) and entertaining outdoors (41%).

In addition, 41% hope to fix a leaky roof in 2020 while a further 37% hope to buy a new home with more space in the new year.

However, it’s not just house-related goals that Americans have for 2020. Twenty-one percent plan on learning a new skill in the upcoming new year while another 28% hope to exercise more in the new year.

And it looks like Americans are finally ready to commit to their goals, as a staggering 84% of those surveyed think 2020 is their year to finally accomplish the goals they’ve set for themselves.

Unfortunately, there are still obstacles people will face. The biggest hurdle for Americans? Money. Fifty-eight percent reveal money to be a massive challenge when trying to reach a goal.

Other obstacles Americans face in their attempts to accomplish their goals include: willpower (48%), motivation (45%) and proper research (35%).

“Finding the motivation and resources to tackle your 2020 home-related goals can be challenging,” said Patty McNease, vice president of brand marketing for “Start with the right tools, like’s How To section that answers everything about buying, selling, refinancing and more, and’s blog, a one-stop resource packed with home-related tips.”

Having high hopes for the new year can be helpful and serve as motivation, but what happens when people don’t meet their goals? Seventy-eight percent reveal they tend to feel guilty whenever they don’t meet a goal they’ve set for themselves.

It’s also why people tend to worry about setting themselves up for failure when creating their new year’s goals. In fact, a mighty 87% worry about setting themselves up for failure when they create their new year’s goals — with a third always worrying about this conundrum.

When it comes to worries, Americans have been burned in 2019 — suffering from at least one "home nightmare" last year.

Busted pipes (33%) was the leading home nightmare people experienced.

But not all the "home nightmares" actually dealt with the structure itself. A third (33%) had the misfortune of having a terrible landlord while a further 31% found themselves embroiled in arguments with their neighbor.

Despite the worries and nightmarish experiences 2019 brought, 76% percent are optimistic that 2020 will be their best year so far.

“Home buying at the start of this decade continues to look like a wise investment,” said McNease.  “With home prices expected to grow at a modest pace and interest rates predicted to stay near the record lows of 2019, now is the perfect time to start your search for a new home!”

1. Get finances in order
2. Get out of debt
3. Learn something new
4. Get more organized
5. Buy a new home
6. Exercise more
7. Spend more time with friends and family
8. Travel more
9. Do something nice for myself
10. Learn a new skill
11. Buy a new car
12. Lose weight
13. Volunteer more often
14. Disconnect from technology
15. Remodel my home
16. Quit my vices
17. Redecorate my home
18. Cook more frequently
19. Organize closet
20. Bring a pet into the family