The top 10 financial goals Americans want to achieve by 2030

By Allison Sadlier // SWNS
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A new decade is a time for new resolutions and seven in 10 Americans are optimistic they’ll achieve their financial goals by 2030, according to a new survey.

From buying a house (51%) to going debt free (56%), people are thinking ahead and want to use the new year to start planning their financial future.

Other major milestone goals for the new decade included taking a dream vacation (40%), getting married (38%) and becoming financially independent (36%).

The survey of 2,000 Americans examined the resolutions and expectations people have when it comes to their wallets. Many are taking it seriously, as 44% already have a specific goal in mind for 2020.

Conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by CreditWise from Capital One, the survey found things are looking up for 2020 since three in five (63%) are “very confident” they’ll make their New Year’s financial resolutions a reality.

It might take some creative methods to pinch pennies, but respondents are up to the task. Half of those with a 2020 monetary resolution plan (51%) will be putting more money from their paycheck straight to savings and cutting back on eating out (51%).

With the streaming wars in full force, four in 10 with a New Year’s financial resolution will be cutting their cable bill, while 47% will be canceling unnecessary subscription services that can add up to a pretty penny.

Buying expensive lunches can put a dent in savings — one in five say a New Year monetary goal will be brown-bagging lunches in 2020.

“Good credit can go a long way in helping consumers achieve their financial goals," said Chris Gatz, head of CreditWise at Capital One. "The key is making healthy credit behaviors part of your routine year-round. There are many tools out there, like CreditWise, a free credit monitoring tool that helps people understand, improve and monitor their credit, and is available for free to everyone-Capital One customer or not.”

Respondents are hoping little tweaks will have big payoffs someday, but that doesn’t mean a little — or big — help wouldn’t be nice.

Twenty-two percent of respondents admitted that they would need an outright miracle to help meet their dream financial milestones.

But more realistically, Americans say gunning for higher salary (40%), meeting with financial advisors (26%) and paying off all loans (47%) would be helpful.

Twenty-nine percent of respondents admitted what they would really need to make those dreams come true was more self-control.

That might be why one in four (26%) would rather get a cavity filled than make a budget for 2020.

Respondents blamed a variety of factors for their negative financial impacts with number one being medical expenses (46%).

Periods of unemployment (35%) obviously prompted more spending than saving. Common, but necessary expenses like car repairs (19%) and family emergencies (22%) certainly didn’t help either.

Additionally, 16% admitted a lack of credit history hindered their financial growth. Sixty-four percent revealed they’re worried their credit score could prevent them from achieving their milestone financial goals.

“More than health, family or career goals, financial goals were top of mind for those we surveyed (30% of respondents)," Gatz added. "To achieve those long-term goals start taking small, achievable steps, like paying your bills on time and frequently checking your credit score.”

Putting more in savings from my paycheck                            51%
Eating out less                                                                        51%
Canceling unnecessary subscriptions                                    47%
Less online shopping                                                              43%
Cable cutting                                                                           40%
Cut back on grocery spending                                                32%
Use less utilities                                                                       30%
Less online gaming                                                                  29%
Skip buying coffee                                                                    22%
Pack lunch                                                                                 21%

Be totally debt free                              56%
Buy a house                                        51%
Take dream vacation                           40%
Pay off student loans                           39%
Get married                                          38%
Be financially independent                   36%
Have children                                       34%
Living by myself                                   29%
Retiring                                                 21%

My loans paid off                                                      47%
$10,000 cash                                                            44%
Higher salary                                                            40%
Five years added on to my financial timeline           38%
New job                                                                    33%
More self-control                                                      29%
$150 more going into savings a month                    29%
A plan                                                                       27%
Financial advisor                                                      26%
A miracle                                                                  22%

Medical expenses                                                46%
Not saving enough                                               42%
Periods of unemployment                                    35%
Excessive spending                                             30%
Credit card debt                                                    25%
Relationship trouble                                             24%
Family emergency                                                22%
Salary not increasing with cost of living                21%
Car repairs                                                            19%
Student loan debt                                                 19%
House repairs                                                       18%
Low credit score                                                  16%
Housing market crisis                                         16%
