Average American abandons their New Year's resolution on this date

By Zoya Gervis // SWNS
New York office - 646-873-7565 / usnews@swns.com

It’s official: Feb. 1 is the day we call it quits on our New Year’s resolutions, according to new research.

A new poll of 2,000 Americans found that it takes just 32 days for the average person to finally break their resolution(s) — but 68% report giving up their resolutions even sooner than that.

In fact, one in seven Americans never actually believe they’ll see their resolution through in the first place.

The study, conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Crispy Green, also discovered the “why” behind our failure to keep our resolutions.

The top reason our resolutions don’t stick is a self-aware lack of discipline (52%), followed by busy schedules and lacking the proper time to see them through (43%).

Two in five also point to societal and peer pressure as a big reason their resolutions are cut short.

But there are ways people try to hold themselves accountable for sticking to their "New Year, New Me" lifestyle change. Forty-one percent of those studied actively tell others their plans in an effort to be more liable towards their goals while a further 37% enlist a friend to complete the goal(s) with them.

The average person studied would even shell out a staggering $15,748.19 just to have someone hold them accountable for their New Year’s resolutions.

But it’s not just grand resolutions that people fail on — it’s the little things as well. Nearly three in four say it’s the little failures in life that add up to big disappointment and regret.

Half (50%) of those surveyed report eating healthy as a struggle they experience in their everyday lives.

Staying on budget (47%), saving for retirement (42%), sticking to an exercise routine (40%) and spending less money (36%) all tally as the biggest ways Americans struggle to meet their goals on a daily basis.

As a result, two-thirds (67%) of respondents attribute setting a resolution as having a positive impact on their lives and helping them change their lifestyle over time.

The survey also found it only takes four things to go wrong in a day before it’s officially deemed “bad.”

“Since the top two reasons we don’t stick to our resolutions are a lack of discipline and a busy schedule, choosing a healthier grab-n-go snack can be one simple way to stay on track," said a spokesperson for Crispy Green. "Of course, if the snack satisfies without sacrificing taste, you might have to remind yourself that you didn’t fall off the wagon.”

Setting and accomplishing goals is hard for Americans. Sixty-seven percent ultimately worry about what others will think about their failures, with one in five saying they are ashamed to admit they’ve failed at a goal they set for themselves.

“We Americans are born to achieve; however, we need to give ourselves room to fail once in a while so that we can learn," added a Crispy Green spokesperson. "The real challenge is to remain positive and optimistic when we do suffer a 'little fail' and try and remain focused on the big picture. Remember, life is not a race ... it’s a journey.”

1. Lacking self-discipline to stay on track                                           52%
2. Too busy/hectic to keep up with the new routine                            43%
3. Social pressure                                                                               40%
4. Familial pressure                                                                            39%
5. Negative influence by partner                                                         35%

1. Eating healthy                                        50%
2. Staying on budget                                  47%
3. Saving for retirement                              42%
4. Sticking to an exercise routine                40%
5. Spending less                                          36%
6. Learning a new skill                                 28%
7. Cooking more frequently                          28%
8. Drinking enough water                              26%
9. Cleaning the dishes                                   23%
10. Being kind to others                                 22%

1. Wardrobe malfunction                                                              43%
2. Stepping in a puddle without the proper footwear                    37%
3. Falling                                                                                       37%
4. Not having an umbrella in the rain                                            32%
5. Slipping on ice/snow                                                                 31%
6. Being late                                                                                  31%
7. Losing my wallet                                                                        29%
8. Misplacing keys                                                                          26%
9. My phone breaking                                                                     25%
10. Locking oneself out of the house                                              25%