Research reveals what it really means to have a 'Case of the Mondays'

By Zoya Gervis // SWNS
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It’s official: Americans do not look forward to Mondays — especially after big events.

A poll of 2,000 full-time office workers found the majority of respondents said Mondays are their least favorite day of the week.

On Mondays, the average respondent revealed they will arrive 15 minutes late (as compared to any other work day), with four out of five admitting they arrive up to 20 minutes late on Mondays.

In fact, 63% of Americans revealed they are more likely to be late to work on a Monday than any other work day.

But it’s not just showing up late, as nearly a third (32%) are more likely to leave the office early on a Monday.

How are they motivating themselves to power through? The study, conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Keurig, uncovered 67% of office workers will drink more cups of coffee on Monday than any other day of the work week.

In fact, the average respondent will drink between four and five cups of coffee on Monday — and 26% say their Monday coffee tends to be stronger, in order to help them through the day.

The average respondent revealed they need two cups of coffee before noon just to feel confident about getting through the day.

“While Monday waits for no one, as long as Americans are equipped with the necessary tools, they’ll have a strong start to their week,” said Lindsay Fermano, Senior Director for the Keurig Brand.

“For those who need an extra boost to power through Monday, having a coffee maker equipped with a 'Strong Brew' button can help coffee drinkers take on the day – whether they just need one cup or a full carafe!”

But the worst Monday of all is Super Monday — the Monday right after the Super Bowl. Turns out, 44% say Super Monday should be a paid national holiday.

The majority of respondents have even planned ahead of time, with over half (52%) revealing they’ve requested Super Monday off in the past at the expense of one of their vacation days.

While two in five (39%) office workers polled have gone so far as to call in sick to work the day after the Super Bowl.

But not everyone plans on skipping work on Super Monday. Fifty-seven percent plan to power through the Monday after the big game this year, with three out of five planning to go into work.

However, that doesn’t mean Americans are excited about showing up to the office on Monday morning after the big game.

The No. 1 reason respondents loathe working Super Monday? They expect to be less productive.

Four in 10 say they expect to come in late to the office that day while a further 38% expect they’ll need more than the usual amount of coffee throughout the day.

“As much as fans wish the Monday after the big game could be considered a national holiday, the reality is that it is not,” said Fermano. “This year, we encourage all those watching the game to prepare to power through with a strong brew on Monday so that rather than taking the day, they can tackle it!”

1. Come in late                                                     39%
2. Drink more cups of coffee                                34%
3. Leave work early                                              32%
4. Zone out/blank at a meeting                            28%
5. Drink stronger coffee                                       26%

1. Being less productive                                                41%
2. Coming in late                                                           41%
3. Being more productive                                              41%
4. Drinking more coffee throughout the day                  38%
5. Talking about the Super Bowl with colleagues          31%

1. Tom Brady
2. Patrick Mahomes
3. Kyler Murray
4. Nick Bosa
5. Travis Kelce