A third of Americans say boneless chicken should not be considered wings

By Allison Sadlier // SWNS
New York office - 646-873-7565 / usnews@swns.com


The average number of chicken wings eaten in a single sitting has doubled in the past two years, according to new research.

A 2017 survey of 2,000 American chicken wing eaters found respondents ate just over seven wings in a sitting — and brand new research about wing preferences and eating habits found Americans now eat almost 16 wings per sitting.

And cooks better get ready for the big game this year, since those who plan on eating wings during the Super Bowl will eat an average of nine.

Not only are people licking their lips for more chicken wings, results show respondents now prefer to make their own.

In 2017, 59% of those who had eaten chicken wings got theirs from a restaurant; two years later, restaurants have been bumped to the No. 2 spot (37%), as making wings at home edged it out for the top choice (38%).

The surveys on wing preferences and eating habits were conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Moore’s Marinades & Sauces — and they attempted to end a serious controversy: Should boneless wings count as wings?

The majority of respondents in 2019 (53%) think boneless wings should properly count as “wings.”

The debate still rages on though, as a third (34%) don’t think boneless have a place in the wings category.

Besides bone preferences, how do wing masters cook in the kitchen? Nearly six in 10 (58%) prefer to fry their wings, while 45% would char them on the grill and 35% want them baked to a crisp.

It’s not just about the cooking method — when asked what makes up the perfect wing, the No. 1 answer was extra sauce. Tender meat and crispy texture rounded out the top three.

Salad was deemed the best accompaniment to wings, followed by chips and salsa (38%) and mozzarella sticks (35%).

The classic sides of celery sticks or carrots were only preferred by 33% and 35%, respectively.

"We’re obsessed with wings here at Moore’s, and I’m thrilled to see the craze is spreading!" said The Chef de Cuisine at Moore’s Marinades & Sauces. “Seeing the increase in chicken wing consumption comes as no surprise when you consider them as the ultimate party food. There’s often a sense of community that comes with sharing a plate of wings, be it at a bar, at home watching the game or, for the bold, on a date.”

Wing aficionados like to heat things up since 36% like their wings “very spicy.”

A quarter of respondents don’t shy away from spice and proclaim they can handle “a lot” of it, but it doesn’t seem like their love of heat measures up with their knowledge of it.

Only 40 percent properly identified a Scoville as a measurement of pungency of chili peppers and other sorts of spicy foods. Thirty percent misidentified a Scoville as a variety of pepper, while 12 percent thought it was a town in Louisiana.

“What we love about chicken wings are their versatility," said The Chef de Cuisine for Moore’s Marinades & Sauces. "Whether you prefer spicy and crispy or baked and savory, there's nothing more fun than bonding with the people you love over good food.”

1. Extra saucy
2. Tender meat
3. Crispy texture
4. Sauce flavor expectations
5. Spice - heat

1. Salad                                          48%
2. Chips and salsa                          38%
3. Mozzarella sticks                       35%
4. Carrot sticks                               35%
5. French fries                                 33%
6. Celery sticks                               33%
7. Potato wedges                           29%
8. Onion rings                                 28%
9. Soup                                            26%
10. Nachos                                     26%