More than half of Americans say they would take a pay cut to work for this kind of company

By Marie Haaland // SWNS
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If your business isn’t green, new research reveals you might be losing employees.

Three in 10 Americans have left a job solely because it wasn’t ethical and environmentally friendly, according to a survey of 2,000 part- and full-time employed Americans.

The results found that the majority (63 percent) have left a company because they disagreed with its ethical and environmental practices, but for 31 percent, it was actually the deciding factor.

An ethical and environmentally-friendly company is a major draw for respondents: Over half (52 percent) would be willing to take a pay cut to work at such a company.

Of those who were willing, the average employee would take a 30 percent drop to their salary.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Avocado Green Brands, results found that being green benefits both the company and the employees.

Eighty percent of respondents agree that they’re more likely to work hard when their company is taking positive environmental actions.

And when a company takes their corporate social responsibility seriously– their efforts to improve society – results found that employees respect that.

Employees say they’d be happier to work additional hours (58 percent), would produce a higher quality of work (57 percent) and would be more devoted to the company and their goals (55 percent) if they knew their employer was ethical and environmentally conscious.

More than that, 53 percent said they’d be happier to come to work each day if their company was ethical and environmentally friendly, while 48 percent would be more likely to stay for the long-term.

“We have three core values that encapsulate our way of doing business: innovative, sustainable and responsible. These values make up the DNA of our brand,” said Mark Abrials, the Co-Founder and CMO of Avocado Green Brands. “Being an ethical and environmentally-focused company is better for the planet — and it’s better for employees too. These core values help create meaning, purpose and drive in their day-to-day lives.”

Eighty-four percent of respondents believe companies and corporations have a responsibility to take ethical and environmentally-friendly actions, but currently, it seems many are falling down on the job.

When asked about the steps their company takes, less than half of respondents said their company donates to charitable organizations or nonprofits (41 percent), enforces recycling in the workplace (39 percent) or has open lines of communication (34 percent).

But the good news is that 68 percent have taken steps to encourage their workplace to be more environmentally friendly, from creating a paperless office to advocating for recycling or organizing workshops.

“We all have a role to play in creating a better future — and even small changes add up. We stand by our principles by donating 1 percent of all revenues to like-minded environmental nonprofits and work to give returned mattresses a good home, with those in need, rather than sending them to a landfill,” said Mark Abrials, the Co-Founder and CMO of Avocado Green Brands. “We believe taking action is important both on an individual and corporate level — together, we can make real change.”

Working to educate employees on environmentally-friendly practices
Creating goods and services in a more ethical/environmentally-friendly way
Doing more to encourage recycling and composting
Having more collaboration with nonprofits and other charitable organizations
Working toward a paperless environment

1. Are happier to work additional hours                                                              58 percent
2. Produce higher-quality work                                                                           57 percent
3. Are more devoted to the company and its goals                                            55 percent
4. Are happier to come to work each day                                                           53 percent
5. Are more likely to stay at the company long term                                           48 percent