Research reveals that Americans will try to use duct tape to patch up just about anything

By SWNS staff
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Patching up a broken toilet seat, holding together a boat engine and keeping a laptop in one piece number among the most unique ways Americans admit to using duct tape, according to new research.

A new study of 2,000 Americans delved into the seemingly endless ways we use duct tape and found that when it comes to the sticky stuff, there’s nothing we won’t at least try to use it on.

One respondent said they once used it to tape together their child’s diaper, while another said they actually used it as decorations for a party.

The study, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Duck brand, revealed that 51 percent of Americans currently have duct tape holding something together in their house, and another one in three (37 percent) are using it to patch up something on or in their car.

Having something to fix is just in the nature of owning a home or car, and the average respondent was found to have five outstanding repairs needing attention around their living area.

The average American surveyed says they’re currently using duct tape as a temporary fix for seven things in their home, with the average respondent saying they will leave duct tape on that thing for eight full days before having it properly repaired.

In fact, 88 percent of Americans say that when something breaks in their home, their first instinct is to reach for the duct tape.

Duct tape can be a savior when something breaks and you need to fix it in a jiffy and, according to the results, 78 percent actually consider duct tape to be “magical.”

“Whether using it for everyday repairs or do-it-yourself tasks, the possibilities are endless with duct tape, the original fix-all,” said Ashley Luke, category manager for Duck Tape brand.

Nearly half of Americans said they have reached for duct tape over an actual repair because it would be too costly.

So, what are the top things we fix with duct tape? Of respondents who have indeed used duct tape to fix something, nearly half (48 percent) have repaired their plumbing pipes in some way.

Nearly half again (47 percent) have patched together a hose, 35 percent have used duct tape on their vehicle and 34 percent have used it on their toilet.

One in three have also used duct tape on a wound of theirs, with another one in five (19 percent) admitting to patching together their cell phone with the silver miracle tape.

1. Plumbing pipes            48%
2. Hose                            47%
3. Vehicle                         35%
4. Toilet                            34%
5. Cut/wound                   32%
6. Book                            26%
7. Garden tools               22%
8. Laptop/computer         21%
9. Shower                        20%
10. Bike                           19%
10. Cell phone                 19%

• Party decorations
• On a boat engine
• My iPhone
• Wedding décor
• Child’s diaper

*of respondents who have used duct tape