The big things Americans would give up to keep their small joys

By SWNS staff
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Is there anything better than taking in a small joy? Whether it’s coffee, a walk in the park or splurging on chips and guac, a recent survey shows that Americans would sacrifice quite a bit for them.

Wildly, one in three respondents would rather shave their head bald than give up their small joys for a year, according to new research.

Not only that, nearly one in five of the 2,000 Americans surveyed would sooner cut off their family for a year than sacrifice their small joys in life for the same amount of time.

The survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Avocados From Mexico, revealed that respondents will spend an incredible $1,795.56 on small joys every year.

But the price tag is no problem, according to the results, as 78 percent of those surveyed say they’d rather have and experience those small joys than keep the money they cost.

According to those surveyed, bad days are the perfect time to indulge in one of those small joys: 72 percent say they are more likely to seek out a small joy when they need to brighten up their day.

The survey went into some of the other crazy situations respondents would rather put themselves in than give up their beloved small joys and uncovered some amusing data.

For example, one in four survey participants would happily fend for themselves on a deserted island for a week than go a year without their small joys.

Nearly one in three would rather put themselves on house arrest for a month, while 23 percent would rather give up their senses of smell and taste for a year, and 24 percent would take a $10K annual pay cut.

Just in time for National Guacamole Day, celebrated on September 16th, it was revealed that about one in four survey participants would take a minute-long swim in shark-infested waters rather than go without guacamole for a year. One in four would also give up coffee in exchange for fresh guacamole.

“It’s easy to see why people consider fresh guacamole a small joy, and what they would do to keep that small joy – as we say, avocados are always worth it,” said Kevin Hamilton, Senior Director of Marketing at Avocados From Mexico.

The survey also unveiled favorite small joys and found listening to your favorite music crowned as number one among survey participants (58 percent).

Food was another popular small joy among Americans participating in the survey, as cooking a favorite meal (58 percent), guacamole (44 percent) and ice cream (57 percent) were all top choices.

Getting new clothes (57 percent), watching the sunset (56 percent), going to the movies (57 percent) and even something as simple as holding hands with someone you love (58 percent) all scored high marks as well.

“This survey makes it clear that the simple things bring joy, and luckily not much has to be sacrificed for great guacamole," said Hamilton. "Grab the salt, lime juice, onion, cilantro and, of course, fresh Avocados From Mexico to treat yourself this National Guacamole Day.”

1. Listening to your favorite album                         58%
2. Cooking your favorite meal                                58%
3. Ice cream                                                           57%
4. Getting new clothes                                            57%
5. Holding hands with someone you love               57%
6. Going to the movies                                            57%
7. Watching the sunset or sunrise                           56%
8. Being able to sleep in with no alarm set              56%
9. A comfy bed                                                        56%
10. Taking a long shower                                        55%
11. Air-conditioning                                                 54%
12. Coffee from my favorite coffee shop                 54%
13. Baked treats (cookie, muffin, etc.)                    54%
14. Finding a good new book to read                     53%
15. Smelling flowers                                               52%
16. Ordering takeout/delivery                                 51%
17. New car smell                                                   51%
18. Nice glass of beer or wine after a long day       51%
19. A pricey but delicious meal                                50%
20. A good hair day                                                  49%
21. A lazy drive to nowhere in particular                   47%
22. Cleaning your room                                             47%
23. Fresh avocado                                                     47%
24. Candles                                                                44%
25. Guacamole                                                           44%

How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 'My small joys are always worth the money.'
Strongly agree                   50.70%
Somewhat agree        32.50%
Neither agree or disagree 13.34%
Somewhat disagree  2.46%
Strongly disagree          1.01%

Would you rather give up guacamole for a year or take a minute-long swim in shark-infested waters?
Give up guacamole                  48.90%
Swim with sharks                     21.22%
Both equally likely                    17.31%
Neither                                     12.57%

Which of the below would you rather do than give up your small joys for one year? (Select all that apply)
Be detained by the 'authorities'                                                        24.08%
Give up your eyesight for a month                                                   18.70%
Give up your sense of smell/taste for a month                                 22.83%
Eat only oatmeal for a year                                                              24.08%
Not leave your house for month                                                       29.73%
Eat a live worm one time                                                                  21.47%
Sneeze constantly for 12 hours                                                       20.82%
Take a $10K annual pay cut                                                            24.02%
Shave your head                                                                             28.80%
Swim in shark-infested water for one minute                                  21.41%
Live on a deserted island fending for yourself for a week               26.36%
Not speak to your family for a year                                                  18.70%
All of your vacation days at work for a month                                  25.92%
Give up take-out for a month                                                           31.63%
Live with your partner's parents for a month                                    29.40%
None of the above                                                                           14.35%

What would you do for free fresh guacamole for a year? (check all that apply)
Shave your head                                                                          38.35%
Swim in shark-infested water for one minute                               31.36%
Live on a deserted island fending for yourself for a week            38.94%
Listen to nails on a chalkboard for 30 minutes                             38.94%
Walk on a tightrope between 2 buildings                                      33.61%
Give up half your vacation time                                                    36.28%
Something else                                                                             10.20%
Nothing / N/A / not sure                                                                 15.53%