Americans would take this much of a pay cut in exchange for one perfect night of sleep

By SWNS staff
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Having trouble sleeping lately? Maybe you’re one of the many Americans who would sacrifice a chunk of their salary in the name of perfect sleep.

A new study found that nearly half of Americans (43 percent) would take a 10 percent pay cut for just ONE perfect night of sleep.

The survey of 2,000 Americans aimed to discover the sleeping habits of the country and found that Americans are a tired bunch, as the average respondent will go a full five days between good nights of sleep.

The average American surveyed also wakes up feeling sluggish and weary three mornings every week, with one-third of respondents saying it’s more days than that.

The statistic emerged in a new survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Slumber Cloud, undoubtedly showed that Americans could use a little bit more shut-eye, with the average respondent spending nearly 20 hours a week daydreaming about being in their bed.

Funnily enough, more than half of Americans (53 percent) wish they could just shut down and hibernate for six months in order to get back on track with their sleep.

The survey also found that the average respondent says they only get five hours and 43 minutes of solid sleep a night – nearly two and a half shy of that recommended eight.

That leads the average American to spend five waking hours just feeling tired each and every day. So tired, in fact, that the average respondent spends about $52 every month on things such as coffee and energy drinks just to stay alert.

But even though they’re tired, getting to sleep is no easy task. The average American admits to spending around $48 a month on sleep aids, whether it’s over the counter medicine or a hot mug of tea.

"Instead of investing in items that treat the symptoms of a poor night’s sleep, invest in items that will prevent them,” said Katie Mellott of Slumber Cloud.

According to the survey, the top sign you got a bad night sleep is if you catch yourself yawning all morning (48 percent), with a constant cranky mood (35 percent) and hitting the snooze button more than once (35 percent) also scoring high marks.

And getting a bad night of sleep can affect more than just how we feel, too.

According to the survey, the average respondent is late to work five times a month due to lack of quality rest.

The average American surveyed also says their lack of sleep is the direct cause of six mistakes at work and five fights/arguments with their partner each month.

“Ask yourself what your sleep is worth — is it worth the mistakes and arguments? Say goodnight to these symptoms for good by addressing the root of your bad night’s sleep through long-term solutions,” continued Mellott. “Your snooze button and loved ones will thank you for it.”

Yawning all morning                                         48%
Productivity at work starts slipping                   37%
You're in a cranky mood all day                       35%
Hit the snooze button more than once             35%
Don't wake up to alarm at first                          31%
Have trouble focusing                                       31%
You get headaches                                           30%
Skip part of your morning routine                      28%
You don't look your best                                    28%
Can't keep your eyes open                                26%

1. Wake up feeling completely refreshed                                                       55%
2. You feel happier                                                                                         51%
3. You feel ready to take on the world                                                            41%
4. Wake up before your alarm goes off                                                          38%
5. Don't hit snooze even once                                                                        36%
6. You treat others with more kindness than you normally would                  32%
7. Extremely productive at work                                                                     31%
8. Didn't wake up in the middle of the night                                                    28%
9. The little things that normally bother you don't                                           24%
10. You go out of your way to do somebody a kindness                                 24%

7 nights = slept great
5 nights = slept bad
12 nights = slept OK but wake up sluggish
6 nights = slept OK wake up OK