Study: Young women say this is the essential ingredient to combating stress

By Allison Sadlier // SWNS
New York office - 646-873-7565 /


Money worries (50 percent), being too cooped up (45 percent), too much screen time (31 percent) and work (36 percent) are the biggest negative contributors to young women’s mental wellbeing, according to new research.

A study of 2,000 American women ages 16-25 found that nearly three-quarters are actively taking steps to improve their mental outlook.

A large part of that search for serenity is seemingly a move to more time in nature, seeing as 76 percent wished they spent more time outdoors, which makes sense as 94 percent said they find time in nature to be calming.

The results found that lack of time was the biggest barrier, keeping over half of young women from getting the fresh air they crave ‒ and more than a third revealed they have less time to spend outside than they did a year ago.

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of St. Ives in honor of the brand’s new long term commitment to nature, the #NatureReset campaign, the survey examined the daily habits and effects nature can have on young women’s mental wellbeing.

Forty-six percent prioritized eating healthy, getting some vitamin D and taking outdoor walks.

It doesn’t take long to feel nature’s mood-boosting energy. The average young woman says she feels better in 20 minutes or less once outside.

“Since inception, St. Ives® has been a brand whose heritage is rooted in nature,” said Sarah Irby, Director of U.S. Face Care & Incubation. “Now, with #NatureReset, we are able to bring our brand purpose and commitment to nature to the next level and drive a greater appreciation for nature as well as create impactful, positive change to people’s daily wellness routines.”

Time outside is definitely the way to go for those looking to relax. As young women get older, 61 percent said they have found themselves more drawn to nature than technology.

Forty-six percent admitted they miss spending time outdoors.

Part of the reason people love spending time outside so much is the chance to do fun activities. Over half of respondents said activities a major reason as to why they wanted to be in nature more.

The great outdoors was proven to be the space to clear the mind seeing as natural settings topped the list places to destress with a beach or lake taking the top spot with 60 percent.

Other favorite locales for some peace and quiet were found to be a pool (51 percent), bedroom (35 percent), mountains (34 percent), the woods (29 percent) and an open field (27 percent).

1. Money                                                   50%
2. Being cooped up                                   45%
3. Too bored                                              43%
4. Social media/my parents                       37%
5. Being too busy                                       37%
6. Work                                                      36%
7. Health concerns                                    34%
8. Too much time looking at screens        31%
9. Current events                                      26%
10. My partner/spouse                              22%
11. My kids                                                10%

1. Listen to music                                           50%
2. Go to another location to buy food             46%
3. Eat in the break room/cafeteria                  44%
4. Call a friend or loved one                           40%
5. Watch a video                                             40%
6. Spend it outside                                          36%
7. Eat at my desk                                            35%
8. Gone on a walk                                           27%
9. Read a book                                                21%
10. Listen to a podcast                                    12%

1. Clients/customers     38%
2. Low salary/pay rate   35%
3. Coworkers                 33%
4. Too much to do          32%
5. Gossip                        31%
6. Noise level                  28%
7. No time to step out      28%
8. My boss                       25%
9. Few breaks                  23%
10. Short breaks              23%
11. Office lighting             13%
12. Office chairs              10%

1. Listen to music                          67%
2. Take a nap                                56%
3. Eat favorite food/snack             47%
4. Watch a favorite show/movie    46%
5. Take a walk outside                   45%
6. Cuddle a pet                              42%
7. Spend time outside                    41%
8. Read a book                              33%
9. Call a loved one                         33%
10. Play a game                             32%
11. Go on a drive                            32%
12. Exercise                                    32%
13. Disconnect from technology      31%
14. Swim                                          29%
15. Light a candle                            23%
16. Meditate                                     21%