What American mothers sacrifice to be good parents

By Marie Haaland // SWNS
New York office - 646-873-7565 / usnews@swns.com


Moms spend 97 hours a week parenting – time spent in various “jobs,” such as a chauffeur, chef and teacher, according to new research.

Conducted in advance of Mother’s Day, the survey of 2,000 American moms with school-aged children (5-18) looked at all the different roles that moms have – with life coach, meal planner and professional cuddler just a few of the 15 commonly-reported job titles moms hold.

It examined not only the vast amount of time and effort that moms put into raising healthy, happy kids, but also the sacrifices they make in order to do so.

Commissioned by Campbell’s Well Yes! Sipping Soups and conducted by OnePoll, the survey found that with all the time moms dedicate to their kids, they’re so busy that they give up everything from nutrition and sleep to the elusive “me time.”

To make time for their children, moms report not getting enough sleep (53 percent), missing out on date nights with a significant other (47 percent) and not having time for hobbies or going out with friends (47 percent).

In fact, 62 percent don’t always have time to eat a sit-down meal, while 53 percent struggle to eat nutritious foods because of their hectic schedule.

And when it comes to eating balanced meals, moms appear to be more focused on their children than themselves.

Results found that kids are more likely than moms to eat balanced meals (52 percent vs. 39 percent), eat three meals a day (68 percent vs. 44 percent) and eat the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables (42 percent vs. 34 percent).

But even with the sacrifices they’re making, two in three (69 percent) would like to spend even more time caring for their children.

“It’s incredible how many jobs moms juggle in their everyday lives, so it’s no surprise that their personal nutrition isn’t their top priority,” said Diego Palmieri, Chief Marketing Officer, Meals & Beverages at Campbell Soup Company. “That’s one of the reasons we introduced Well Yes! Sipping Soups – a convenient, vegetable-based snack that helps anyone – especially moms – eat nutritious foods on the go.”

In one day, moms report spending 46 minutes cooking meals for their kids, 44 minutes doing their laundry and 29 minutes drawing and creating art projects with their little ones.

This is in addition to the time spent as a cheerleader, supporting their kids at sports practice; a tutor, helping with homework and school projects; and as a therapist, helping their kids through life’s little challenges.

With all that they do, the results revealed that moms could be bringing in a six-figure salary – a whopping $100,460 per year – if they were paid for all the time they spend parenting.

For the 70 percent of moms surveyed with a full- or part-time job, this would be in addition to their regular salary – showing that, for many, the almost 100 hours a week spent parenting is just one of the things they dedicate their time to.

But with as much as moms are able to do, there’s still only so much time in the day.

After helping brush their children’s teeth, fixing their broken toys and calming them down after bad dreams, moms are left with less than an hour of “me time” per day.

And to get this time alone, 88 percent of moms admit to sacrificing sleep – staying up late, waking up early or doing a combination of both.

“With the amount of time moms spend taking care of their children, it’s no surprise that they’re giving up time for themselves,” added Palmieri. “Taking time to eat nutritious foods is something we all know is important, but for on-the-go parents – moms in particular – it can feel impossible.


Meal planner                      65 percent
Chef/cook                           65 percent
Cleaner                               61 percent
Launderer                           59 percent
Teacher                               59 percent
Nurse                                  55 percent
Life coach                           53 percent
Personal assistant              53 percent
Therapist                             50 percent
Event planner                      49 percent
Chauffeur                            49 percent
Tutor                                   48 percent
Cheerleader                        45 percent
Professional cuddler           45 percent
Financial adviser                 43 percent