'Wine O'Clock' is a Real Thing, Study Finds

By Zoya Gervis // SWNS
New York office - 646-873-7565 / usnews@swns.com


It’s official - a home-cooked meal, a good book, and a glass of wine have been named among the top 20 best things in life for Americans, according to a new study.The study of 2,000 Americans asked people to name their simplest little pleasures in life and ranked the top 20 most-selected responses.Results showed that the things that make us happy are often refreshingly simple. Going on a shopping trip for yourself, having a date night with a partner, the feel of fresh bed sheets and a happy hour with friends were some of life’s greatest pleasures.

Also among the top 20 moments Americans look forward to most were talking on the phone with a best friend, reading a magazine, and spraying on some perfume.

A study conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with JaM Cellars, the makers of Butter Chardonnay examined the wine drinking habits and behaviors of 2,000 Americans and found that when it comes to life’s little moments, drinking wine actually tops the list at number one.

America named a glass of wine as their best little treat, with 65 percent voting it to the top of Americans’ top 20 little luxuries.
In fact, half of respondents said they drink wine at least weekly, with half of those drinking wine several times per week.

Wine came out on top over moments such as getting a massage, indulging in dark chocolate, and even putting fresh sheets on the bed.

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But when is the optimal time for savoring wine? According to the study, 6:59 pm is America’s ideal time to enjoy a glass of wine- voted ‘Wine O’Clock’ by respondents.

And Saturday evening is the preferred day of the week for 55 percent of those surveyed who are likely to be sipping some wine at the end of the week. Interestingly enough, wine is also enjoyed consistently throughout the week.

Wine is an everyday treat for Americans because it is relaxing (62 percent), people enjoy the taste (57 percent), and it’s a great way to have fun with family and friends (37 percent).

And 66 percent of the people surveyed revealed they enjoy a nice glass of wine at home. America’s favorite place to enjoy wine is no longer a traditional food setting, it turns out, the couch is the go-to spot for wine.

“Wine can be great with food, but we’ve always felt it doesn’t have to be fancy, formal, or confined to the dinner table—and it looks like America agrees” said Michele Truchard, Co-Founder of JaM Cellars, makers of Butter Chardonnay. “This is the vision we had when we started JaM Cellars 10 years ago. Wine can be intimidating and expensive, so we make great-quality wines that are simply easy-to-love anytime. Finding your favorite wine and having a few bottles on hand to share with friends is all part of the enjoyment of life.”

But, the reason people enjoy their wine so much is because for 67 percent of Americans, it’s a great way to relax, unwind, and enjoy some me-time. But not everyone sips wine by themselves. It turns out, 49 percent of those studied actually enjoy the company of their spouse or partner when enjoying wine, while another 58 percent revealed that enjoying fun times with friends was a leading scenario that would call for Wine O’Clock.

“It’s so exciting to see Americans enjoying wine more often and whenever they choose. Whether it’s a little me-time, or hanging out with girlfriends, wine really is a great everyday treat. First and foremost wine should be delicious, fun and easy to love. 6:59 pm is a fantastic Wine O’Clock to put on the calendar, but the perfect time for wine is whenever and wherever you choose” added Michele Truchard, Co-Founder, JaM Cellars makers of Butter Chardonnay.


Drinking wine                                                      65%
Being home to watch my favorite TV shows      56%
Home-cooked meal                                            55%
Going shopping for myself                                 51%
Reading a book                                                  51%
A sweet treat (delicious dessert)                        50%
Date night with my partner                                 49%
Happy hour with friends                                     48%
Taking a leisurely walk outside                          47%
Putting fresh sheets on my bed                         46%
Massage                                                            46%
Dark chocolate                                                   45%
Ordering takeout                                                44%
The smell of fresh laundry                                  44%
Watching sports                                                  43%
Taking a day off work to do nothing/staycation   42%
Fresh towels                                                        42%
Talking on the phone with my best friend            41%
Reading a magazine                                           38%

Spraying on some perfume                                 37%


Me-time, to relax and unwind                             67%
Fun times with friends                                        49%
With a meal                                                        45%
Celebrations                                                       45%
Holidays                                                             38%