Why Americans are Starting to Travel Alone

By Tyler Schmall // SWNS
New York office - 646-873-7565 / usnews@swns.com

Solo travel is indisputably on the rise as nearly one in four Americans PREFERS traveling alone, according to new research.

Is a vacation the best opportunity for some quality “me time?” Apparently so. Nearly one in four Americans (22 percent) says they exclusively travel alone.

Whether it's the pursuit of mindfulness or simply getting some head space in an ever-connected world, the research demonstrated the rapid rise of solo travel pursuits.

The rise of traveling solo was further exemplified by nearly half of Americans (45 percent) agreeing that traveling with somebody actually holds them back while on a trip.

The new survey of 2,000 Americans, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Travelex, confirmed that Americans are much more likely to give themselves over to their travel experience fully when they’re alone.

Specifically, half of the survey respondents (50 percent) said they’d be more willing to talk to locals while traveling alone, and another 46 percent said they’d be more spontaneous when unaccompanied.

Well over half (57 percent) also said they are much more likely to go out of their comfort zone when traveling solo.

And Americans aren’t afraid to get romantic while on a trip, as 42 percent said they’ve found romance while traveling.

Interestingly, one in ten said they’ve found romance while traveling completely alone.

But it’s not without its drawbacks, too, it turns out. Safety is the chief concern Americans have with traveling alone, with 52 percent saying going by yourself is a lot less safe. Another 49 percent are also worried they’d get lonely.

“In today’s world, it’s no surprise safety is a primary concern for travelers,” said Christine Buggy of Travelex. “Travel insurance can help provide peace of mind especially for solo travelers.

But despite its drawbacks, nearly half of Americans polled (44 percent) said traveling alone is something they’d like to do a lot more of in the future.

So what are Americans biggest gripes with traveling with people exactly?

The top worry is that your travel buddy may not want to do something you want to do (58 percent), while another 53 percent are worried about exactly the opposite -- being pressured into do something they don’t want to do. An additional one in three (36 percent) are concerned they’d simply get on each other’s nerves.

But while traveling alone certainly has its benefits, the study showed that when we do travel with a partner, our favorite travel partners are, adorably, our romantic partners.

The survey also unveiled that half of Americans (50 percent) feel they’ve had a significant “spiritual” moment while traveling.

One American said they’d never forget traveling to New York City in the 1980’s and experiencing the city in person after only having seen it in movies and TV.

Another said they had a spiritual event while visiting Barbados and looking up to the sky to see that every star in the sky was visible.

And whether not they prefer to travel alone or with a partner, there’s plenty in the world Americans want to see, as the average American says they have eight places they’d like to visit someday.

“With bucket list travel on the rise, our goal at Travelex is to help make travel dreams a reality,” said Christine Buggy of Travelex. “If travelers need urgent medical care or their wallet is stolen, they need to cancel their trip or missed a flight, we’re there to help sort out the problem that interferes with their travel experience so they can continue to dream, explore and travel on.”

Go to local markets and shops             58%
Take photos/videos                               53%
Talk to locals                                         50%
Be spontaneous                                    45%
Take public transportation                     42%
Check out the nightlife                           38%
Partake in local customs/traditions        36%