Survey Reveals How Often Women Feel Confident

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The biggest reasons behind women having a self-care routine such as getting a wax are to look good for themselves (75 percent), to feel comfortable in their own skin (55 percent), and to maintain their confidence (47 percent), according to a new study.The biggest reasons behind women having a self-care routine such as getting a wax are to look good for themselves (75 percent), to feel comfortable in their own skin (55 percent), and to maintain their confidence (47 percent), according to a new study.

This confidence transcends into a variety of aspects of a woman’s life. In the workplace, 36 percent are comfortable speaking up in a meeting while another 35 percent were confident enough to follow their passions – wherever they might lead.

And in relationships, two in 10 women surveyed revealed that confidence allows them to be willing to go on more dates, while another 58 percent think confidence helps them be more social overall.
The study, conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with European Wax Center, examined the confidence habits of 2,000 American women and what leads to feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin.
The research also examined the importance of having some sort of beauty or self-care routine for women. Eighty-one percent of those studied felt like having a regular self-care routine was important – with 45 percent revealing a beauty routine was very important to their everyday life.

The research identified that being comfortable in your own skin strongly correlates to owning your unique self. For 35 percent of the women surveyed, not trying to fit in is important in achieving confidence. In fact, it was discovered that 53 percent of women avoid worrying what other people think.

The results also confirmed that having a well-established beauty routine inevitably boosts confidence levels. One in 10 women go get a wax to help them be feel more comfortable in their own skin. And for those who are still building their confidence, 12 percent will go get a wax to boost their confidence and self-esteem.

34 percent of women agreed that embracing their own independence is something that encourages them to feel more comfortable in their own skin. More than just embracing their lives, 32 percent of the women studied revealed that once they become comfortable in their skin they are able to be open about their interests.

“When you feel good from the inside out, that’s really what beauty and self-care routines are all about. We watch women walk in and strut out of our centers every day feeling unapologetically confident after getting a wax. Every woman deserves to feel confident and comfortable in her skin.” said Sherry Baker, President of Marketing and Product Development for European Wax Center.

With confidence and being comfortable in one’s skin comes the ability to know how to take a compliment - which is why three in 10 women revealed that knowing how to take a compliment was something they do when they feel comfortable in their skin.

Being able to look at oneself in the mirror without getting upset is another way women feel comfortable in their own skin - just like the 29 percent of women studied who revealed their go-to move is looking in the mirror and smiling at their reflection.

These days, 28 percent of women are able to stand up to an unpopular opinion when they are comfortable in their own skin.

In fact, there are many different ways that women take the self-care time they need to feel their most confident from getting a wax to wearing a new outfit. When it comes to feeling confident, American women chose shopping as the number one way to put themselves in a better mood.

Other feel-good ways to boost confidence included watching a favorite movie (47 percent), taking a bath (46 percent), and getting a haircut (40 percent).
The average woman feels comfortable in her own skin 11,520 days in her lifetime.

That means that on average, a woman feels comfortable with her beauty 192 days out of the year – or 16 days a month.

However, it’s one thing to be confident but it’s a whole other thing to actually maintain that level of confidence.

“When you reveal beautiful skin, you feel great; you’re more confident. And when you’re more confident, you don’t hesitate because life is in the moments you dare to take because of your confidence.” added Sherry Baker, President of Marketing and Product Development for European Wax Center.


Not worry about what other people think                  53%

Dressing just for myself                                            52%

Not worrying whether I’m “cool” or not                     45%

Not trying to fit in                                                      35%

Embracing independence                                        34%

Being open about my interests                                32%

Embracing my music taste                                      32%

Knowing how to take a compliment                         31%

Looking in the mirror and smiling                            29%

Being able to stand up to an unpopular opinion     28%



Go shopping                                                             53%

Watch my favorite movie                                          47%

Take a bath                                                              46%

Get a haircut                                                            40%

Get a manicure/pedicure                                         30%

Get coffee with my girlfriends                                  26%

Get a massage                                                        24%

Watch reality TV                                                      23%

Take an exercise class                                            20%

Get my makeup done by a professional                 14%



Hanging out with positive people                              51%

Wearing an outfit that fits/that I feel comfortable in  50%

Self-care                                                                   48%

Working out                                                              39%

Getting my hair professionally done                         37%



To look good for myself                                          75%

To feel comfortable in my own skin                        55%

To maintain my confidence                                    47%

To gain confidence                                                 44%

To impress potential dates/boyfriend/partner        19%