Parents have over 4,200 Arguments with their Kids, Study Finds

SWNYBATTLES by Marie Haaland
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From slammed doors and screams of “I hate you” to bedtime battles, children have over 4,200 arguments with their parents by the age of 18, according to a new survey.

With an average of five battles a week for 16 years of growing up (ages 2-18), the number of disputes adds up quickly.

On average, fights last for 14 minutes and parents estimate winning just over 60 percent of them.

The most common reasons for dispute are household chores (69 percent), messy bedrooms (64 percent) and not cleaning up shared spaces (63 percent).

Rounding out the top five were fights about homework (63 percent) and bedtime (52 percent).

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Sleepopolis, the survey of 2,000 parents with children aged 2-18 examined the battles parents face with their children and how sleep can play a role.

Luckily for all involved, less than 40 percent of the arguments parents have with their children are described as being serious.

In order to win these battles, 66 percent of parents admit to bribing their children, with popular bribes being dessert, extra screen time or staying up a bit later.

Thirty-nine percent of parents say they went through a period of time in which they fought constantly with their child – and parents say 12 is the most argumentative age.

As children age, the types of battles parents have with them change as well.

For parents with children aged 16-18, 69 percent have stayed up late to make sure their children were home before curfew.

And this doesn’t help the arguments parents have with their kids – 43 percent say their lack of sleep contributes to the number and/or severity of the battles they have with their children.

Seventy-three percent worry that their children don’t get enough sleep at night, and half of parents say this too contributes to the number and/or severity of arguments.

Parents report that the majority of arguments (53 percent) occur in the evening or night.

“The survey highlights how the number of arguments increases when people are tired – whether that be the parents or the kids,” said Logan Block, the director of content at Sleepopolis. “When possible, it’s important to go to bed, take a chance to calm down and readdress an issue with fresh eyes in the morning.”

Two-thirds of parents believe their child’s mood would improve if they got more sleep.

To help this issue, 78 percent of parents report having a specific bedtime routine.

For children 2-5, this often includes going to bed at a specific time (79 percent), reading a story (60 percent) and having a toy or stuffed animal to sleep with (50 percent).

And for children 16-18, their bedtime routine often consists of going to bed at a specific time (86 percent) and taking a bath or a shower (72 percent).

“A plethora of factors go into having a good night’s rest, but setting a routine is a great step in the right direction. From trying to go to bed at a similar time every night to putting away phones and other screens, there are simple actions that can be taken to help people improve their sleep,” said Block. “Other factors, such as having a comfortable mattress and the right sleeping conditions are also necessary in ensuring quality rest. Mattresses aren’t a ‘one size fits all,’ product, and it’s important to have the right fit for you.”

Of the 61 percent of parents who tell their children white lies, the majority (65 percent) admit to using white lies to help get their children to bed earlier.

Some creative lies parents have told their children include “that the under-the-bed monster only goes after children who don't go to sleep on time,” “if you sleep you grow taller” or the ever-popular white lie that Santa only visits children who go to sleep (50 percent).

Arguments aside, 91 percent of parents say they feel close to and connected with their children.



  1. Household chores                                                                               69 percent
  2. Messy bedrooms                                                                                 64 percent
  3. Not cleaning up shared spaces                                                           63 percent
  4. Doing homework                                                                                 63 percent
  5. Bedtime/going to bed                                                                          52 percent
  6. Spending too much time on a phone/computer                                  47 percent
  7. Sibling arguments                                                                               47 percent
  8. Brushing teeth                                                                                     41 percent
  9. Watching too much TV                                                                        38 percent
  10. Not eating healthy foods at meals                                                       37 percent



  1. To be on their best behavior because Santa is watching                  58 percent
  2. Santa only visits children who go to sleep                                         50 percent
  3. If they don’t go to sleep, the Tooth Fairy won’t come                         46 percent
  4. If you’re naughty, Santa will bring you coal                                        45 percent
  5. Secretly mixing in healthy food to meals                                            37 percent
  6. “Losing” an annoying toy/saying it’s broken                                       34 percent
  7. Spinach makes you strong                                                                 32 percent
  8. Telling lies makes their nose grow (like Pinocchio)                            29 percent
  9. Chewing gum stays in you for seven years if swallowed                    25 percent
  10. Cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis                                          24 percent


Number of battles: 5.06 battles per week x (16 years of battles [age 2-18] x 52 weeks in a year) = 4,209.92